Aerospace companies have the opportunity to improve productivity through remote work by giving employees access to cloud hosted engineering workstations. Engineering Design Applications & Desktop solutions on AWS let employees provision tools through the engineer solution portal without having to worry about aging infrastructure. Administrators also have the ability to centralize and manage this capability in a cost-effective way. Using these solutions helps businesses facilitate remote workforce collaboration, resulting in improved productivity, while also helping them meet security and performance requirements.
AWS Services
Purpose-built cloud products
Total results: 3
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AWS Solutions
Ready-to-deploy solutions assembling AWS Services, code, and configurations
Partner Solutions
Software, SaaS, or managed services from AWS Partners
Total results: 2
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Onshape SaaS CAD Solution
The SaaS Onshape product development platform is the only cloud-based CAD solution on the market today and enables design and engineering teams to access their design documents – collaborating, communicating and creating new designs – from any web-based device.
Prescriptive architectural diagrams, sample code, and technical content
Total results: 1
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Siemens NX Deployment Options on AWS
This diagram shows how to deploy Siemens NX on Amazon AppStream 2.0 by leveraging Amazon EBS volumes for shared folders, using Amazon FSx for a highly-performant file system. Includes how to extend the Amazon FSx solution to multi-Region deployments.
Application Integration | Compute | Consumer Packaged Goods (CPG)