AWS Machine Learning Blog

Tag: Natural Language

Train Neural Machine Translation Models with Sockeye

Have you ever wondered how you can use machine learning (ML) for translation? With our new framework, Sockeye, you can model machine translation (MT) and other sequence-to-sequence tasks. Sockeye, which is built on Apache MXNet, does most of the heavy lifting for building, training, and running state-of-the-art sequence-to-sequence models. In natural language processing (NLP), many […]

Building Better Bots Using Amazon Lex (Part 2)

In Part 1 we reviewed some elementary bot design considerations, built the Amazon Lex CoffeeBot chatbot, and used the Amazon Lex Test console to confirm that CoffeeBot reacted to text input as expected.  In this post, we make some more design decisions to take CoffeeBot to the next level, including voice interaction. Note: The code […]

Building Better Bots Using Amazon Lex (Part 1)

As Jeff Barr showed in his introductory blog post, Amazon Lex is a service that allows developers to build conversational interfaces for voice and text into applications. With Amazon Lex, the same deep learning technologies that power Amazon Alexa are now available to any developer, so you can quickly and easily build sophisticated, natural language […]