AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog

APN Benefits and Requirements – Updates for 2016

As you build your business on AWS and meet the qualifications for our Standard, Advanced, and Premier (Consulting) Partner tiers, you gain access to additional benefits and resources through the APN exclusive to those tiers. As our ecosystem continues to evolve, we continue to listen to feedback from our field and from APN Partners like you across the globe, to ensure we are both setting a high bar to qualify for each tier, and providing the benefits at each tier that you need to support you as you become trained and certified, differentiate your firm on AWS, connect with customers, and mature your practice.

Today, we announced a number of new benefits and new requirements at the Standard, Advanced, and Premier (Consulting) tiers for 2016.

Consulting Partners 

We’ve expanded the benefits in 2016 for APN Consulting Partners, with an emphasis on benefits for our APN Premier Partners, APN Competency Partners, and AWS Managed Service Partners. For example, while we’ve added additional funding benefit eligibility for those at the Standard and Advanced tiers (such as eligibility for free AWS usage via the Innovation Sandbox, eligibility for free AWS usage for qualified Proof-of-Concepts, and for Advanced Partners the eligibility for Market Development Funding), we’ve added eligibility for larger funding benefits for Premier, Competency, and MSP Partners. Premier, Competency, and MSP Partners are also eligible for prioritized marketing activities, an AWS-written case study, AWS Professional Services Bootcamp training, and up to 2 weeks free AWS Professional Services for qualified enterprise opportunities.

In addition to a number of expanded benefits at each tier, we’ve also updated some of the requirements at the Advanced and Premier Consulting Partner tiers, with an emphasis on AWS Training and Certification, and an update in minimum billing requirements.

To learn more about 2016 Consulting Partner Benefits and Requirements, click here.

Technology Partners 

Similar to changes made in our Consulting Partner ecosystem, we’ve placed a lot of emphasis on expanded benefits for APN Competency holders within our Technology Partner ecosystem. For example, while we’ve added additional funding benefit eligibility for those at the Standard tier (such as eligibility for free AWS usage via the Innovation Sandbox, eligibility for free AWS usage for qualified Proof-of-Concepts, and eligibility for free AWS usage for Free Trial Campaigns), we’ve added eligibility for larger funding benefits for Advanced and Competency Partners. Both Advanced Technology Partners and APN Competency Partners are also eligible for joint AWS Customer-Facing Webinars, Market Development Funding, and an AWS-written case study.

We’ve also updated the requirements to qualify for the Advanced Technology Partner tier. To qualify for the Advanced tier, APN Partners must pass an AWS Well-Architected review. APN Partners must also meet a minimum direct, influenced and AWS Marketplace AWS monthly billing 3-month average, and/or achieve an APN Competency.

To learn more about 2016 Technology Partner Benefits and Requirements, click here.


Stay tuned to the APN Blog for additional news on the APN throughout 2016.