AWS Partner Network (APN) Blog



Simplify and Secure Terraform Workflows on AWS with Dynamic Provider Credentials

The HashiCorp Terraform AWS provider has surpassed more than one billion downloads, and every single Terraform apply starts with a provider credentials setup. The new dynamic provider credentials feature offers the ability to generate dynamic, short-lived credentials for Terraform Cloud runs using OIDC. This feature is now available for all Terraform Cloud tiers. Terraform Cloud is HashiCorp’s managed service offering and eliminates the heavy lifting for practitioners, teams, and organizations to use Terraform in production.

Cloud Anything-9

Onboarding and Managing Agents in a SaaS Solution – Using AWS IoT Core

You can manage agents in a multi-tenant SaaS environment using AWS IoT Core. Review a solution that offers a modular and secure approach to register and manage agents. It relies on AWS managed services to offload the heavy lifting of implementing and maintaining those mechanisms, and provides scalability, elasticity, and availability. Using AWS IoT Core for agent management provides various capabilities for managing, securing, and analyzing usage and sent data from the registered agents.