AWS Architecture Blog

Category: Life Sciences

Genomics workflows, Part 7: analyze public RNA sequencing data using AWS HealthOmics

Genomics workflows process petabyte-scale datasets on large pools of compute resources. In this blog post, we discuss how life science organizations can use Amazon Web Services (AWS) to run transcriptomic sequencing data analysis using public datasets. This allows users to quickly test research hypotheses against larger datasets in support of clinical diagnostics. We use AWS […]

This visual summarizes the cost prediction and model training processes. Users request cost predictions for future workflow runs on a web frontend hosted in AWS Amplify. The frontend passes the requests to an Amazon API Gateway endpoint with Lambda integration. The Lambda function retrieves the suitable model endpoint from the DynamoDB table and invokes the model via the Amazon SageMaker API. Model training runs on a schedule and is orchestrated by an AWS Step Functions state machine. The state machine queries training datasets from the DynamoDB table. If the new model performs better, it is registered in the SageMaker model registry. Otherwise, the state machine sends a notification to an Amazon Simple Notification Service topic stating that there are no updates.

Genomics workflows, Part 6: cost prediction

Genomics workflows run on large pools of compute resources and take petabyte-scale datasets as inputs. Workflow runs can cost as much as hundreds of thousands of US dollars. Given this large scale, scientists want to estimate the projected cost of their genomics workflow runs before deciding to launch them. In Part 6 of this series, […]

Figure 1. On-premises and AWS queue integration for third-party services using AWS Lambda

Queue Integration with Third-party Services on AWS

Commercial off-the-shelf software and third-party services can present an integration challenge in event-driven workflows when they do not natively support AWS APIs. This is even more impactful when a workflow is subject to unpredicted usage spikes, and you want to increase decoupling and fault tolerance. Given the third-party nature of services, polling an Amazon Simple […]

Architecture Monthly Magazine: Genomics

The field of genomics has made huge strides in the last 20 years. Genomics organizations and researchers are rising to the many challenges we face today, and seeking improved methods for future needs. Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides an array of services that can help the genomics industry with securely handling and interpreting genomics data, […]

Figure 1. Architecture for managing, anonymizing, and analyzing medical image data

Using AppStream 2.0 to Deliver PACS and Image Analysis in Clinical Trials

Hospitals and clinical trial sites manage sensitive patient data. They are often required to grant remote access to custom Windows-based applications for patient record review and medical image analysis. This typically requires providing physicians and staff with remote access to on-premises workstations over VPN, with some flavor of remote desktop software. This can be both […]

Architecture Monthly Magazine - Apr 2021 - Biopharma

Architecture Monthly Magazine: Biopharma

From R&D through commercialization, biopharma organizations are looking to bring advanced and differentiated therapeutics to market faster. For example, the Moderna mRNA vaccine was developed and approved for emergency use in record time compared to past vaccines. AWS is the secure, trusted technology partner to help the highly regulated biopharma industry confidently increase the pace […]