AWS Cloud Financial Management

Category: Thought Leadership

Five things you should do to create an accurate on premises vs cloud comparison model

When helping customers build TCO models for their cloud migration, we often come across customer analysts who say their financial models show that moving to the cloud is more expensive than staying on premises. What we’ve found is that customers often exclude key inputs that lead to inaccurate cost comparison models.

A Detailed Overview of the Cost Intelligence Dashboard

Voiced by Amazon Polly As your business grows on AWS, so too does the need for cost and usage visibility and custom cost reporting tailored for your organization. Good Cloud Financial Management (CFM) targets for your AWS usage can include (but are not limited to) Reserved Instance and Savings Plans coverage, average hourly cost of […]

Sneak Peek of re:Invent 2021 Cloud Financial Management Sessions & Events

Each year, we share a preview of what Cloud Financial Management (CFM) themed sessions you can look for at AWS re:Invent, so you can pre-register and reserve your seats at the sessions you find interesting. This year marks the 10th anniversary of AWS re:Invent and we’re excited to celebrate with our customers back in Las […]

Cost Control Blog Series #3: How to Handle Cost Shock

Voiced by Amazon Polly One of the biggest benefits of the cloud is the ability to scale dynamically and reduce costs by paying for only what you use, when you need it. However, when development teams aren’t prepared for this newfound flexibility, cost shock and unexpected cost spikes can occur. If you are new to […]

AWS Cloud Financial Management August Recap

In the month of August, AWS Cloud Financial Management (CFM) team has made several feature enhancements that can make your CFM journey a bit easier. AWS celebrated the 15 year anniversary of Amazon EC2. Another successful CFM peer connect event was concluded. New customer story and CFM content have been published. Learn more about these updates.

2021 Year-to-Date AWS Cloud Financial Management Updates Recap

For those of you who don’t want to miss any news from AWS Cloud Financial Management (CFM) space in 2021, this blog post will provide a quick recap of this year’s updates: from category name updates, to CFM training for builders, to all the service and feature enhancement across CFM solution areas.

Further Thoughts on Unit Metrics

Voiced by Amazon Polly   After the blog series on Unit Metrics, the call was put out for future topics.  There were some excellent suggestions received from the community.  Three in particular struck a chord: Building strong links between technology and other business teams Projecting AWS cost.  The role of traditional FP&A in the FinOps […]

How unit metrics help create alignment between business functions

Voiced by Amazon Polly   As the last blog in the Unit Metric series (intro, what is unit metric, selecting a unit metric to support your business, unit metrics in practice – lesson learned), we’ll share how unit metrics is instrumental in gaining alignment across business functions. High quality unit metrics create an opportunity to […]