AWS Cloud Financial Management

Tag: Cloud Financial Management

A Detailed Overview of the Cost Intelligence Dashboard

Voiced by Amazon Polly As your business grows on AWS, so too does the need for cost and usage visibility and custom cost reporting tailored for your organization. Good Cloud Financial Management (CFM) targets for your AWS usage can include (but are not limited to) Reserved Instance and Savings Plans coverage, average hourly cost of […]

Sneak Peek of re:Invent 2021 Cloud Financial Management Sessions & Events

Each year, we share a preview of what Cloud Financial Management (CFM) themed sessions you can look for at AWS re:Invent, so you can pre-register and reserve your seats at the sessions you find interesting. This year marks the 10th anniversary of AWS re:Invent and we’re excited to celebrate with our customers back in Las […]

Cost Control Blog Series #3: How to Handle Cost Shock

Voiced by Amazon Polly One of the biggest benefits of the cloud is the ability to scale dynamically and reduce costs by paying for only what you use, when you need it. However, when development teams aren’t prepared for this newfound flexibility, cost shock and unexpected cost spikes can occur. If you are new to […]

Upgrade Amazon OpenSearch Service Domains to the Latest Instance Types to Optimize Your Costs

In this blog, we will share the benefits to upgrade your Amazon OpenSearch Service instances to the latest generations, how you can identify the instances of older generations and configure your Amazon OpenSearch Service domain changes to upgrade the instance types, and how you can receive recommendations and purchase your Amazon OpenSearch Service Reserved Instances.

Further Thoughts on Unit Metrics

Voiced by Amazon Polly   After the blog series on Unit Metrics, the call was put out for future topics.  There were some excellent suggestions received from the community.  Three in particular struck a chord: Building strong links between technology and other business teams Projecting AWS cost.  The role of traditional FP&A in the FinOps […]

Introducing AWS Application Cost Profiler, offering user-based cost data of shared AWS resources

Voiced by Amazon Polly   October 6, 2021: This blog post is under construction. Please refer back to this post in a day or two for the most accurate and helpful information. It has become increasingly common for customers to deploy applications that share infrastructure resources for the purpose of cloud cost optimization. As more organizations […]

How unit metrics help create alignment between business functions

Voiced by Amazon Polly   As the last blog in the Unit Metric series (intro, what is unit metric, selecting a unit metric to support your business, unit metrics in practice – lesson learned), we’ll share how unit metrics is instrumental in gaining alignment across business functions. High quality unit metrics create an opportunity to […]

Unit metrics in practice – lessons learned

Voiced by Amazon Polly We hope by now you have a good grasp of what a unit metric is and how you can create your own to evaluate the efficiency of resources usage or project your future spend. Before you jump into action, here are some of the lessons learned along the way we’ve experienced both […]