AWS News Blog

Jeff Barr

Author: Jeff Barr

Jeff Barr is Chief Evangelist for AWS. He started this blog in 2004 and has been writing posts just about non-stop ever since.

Microsoft SharePoint Server on AWS Reference Architecture White Paper

We have just published the Microsoft SharePoint Server on AWS Reference Architecture White Paper. This white paper discusses general concepts regarding how to use SharePoint services on AWS and provides detailed technical guidance on how to configure, deploy, and run a SharePoint Server farm on AWS. It illustrates reference architecture for common SharePoint Server deployment […]

AWS Documentation Now Available on the Kindle

AWS documentation is now available on the Kindle – if this is all you need to know, start here and you’ll have access to the new documents in seconds. I “purchased” (the actual cost is $0.00) the EC2 Getting Started Guide and had it delivered to my trusty Kindle DX, where it looked great: You […]

Cloud Innovation at Intuit and Edmodo using Amazon RDS

Recently our CTO Werner Vogels had a great conversation with Troy Otillio from Intuit and Jack Murgia from Edmodo. These innovators are using Amazon RDS to free up  their time to focus on whats important to them building value for their customers.  Here are some of my favorite bits: Troy: Moving to AWS has enabled […]

CloudSpokes Coding Challenge Winners – Build a DynamoDB Demo

Our friends at CloudSpokes ran a challenge with the goal of creating some awesome demos for Amazon DynamoDB. The challenge is now complete and they have taken the time to write a guest post to share the results with the AWS community. — Jeff; Last November CloudSpokes was invited to participate in the DynamoDB private […]

The CloudFormation Circle of Life : Part 1

Today we have a blog post from Chris Whitaker of the AWS CloudFormation team. Chris brings word of an important new CloudFormation feature, the ability to evolve a running stack by incrementally adding or removing resource definitions from the template. — Jeff; AWS CloudFormation makes it easier for you to create, update, and manage your […]

Reserved Cache Nodes for Amazon ElastiCache

Amazon ElastiCache makes it easy for you to deploy, scale, and run a cloud-based in-memory cache that is protocol-compliant with Memcached. ElastiCache improves the performance of web applications and reduces the load on your databases by retrieving data from a fast, managed, Memcached-compatible, in-memory caching system, instead of relying entirely on disk-based storage. It can […]