AWS News Blog

Veliswa Boya

Author: Veliswa Boya

Veliswa Boya is a Senior Developer Advocate, based in South Africa and working closely with the builder community in Sub-Saharan Africa. She has fulfilled many roles in tech, which range from developer to analyst, architect to cloud engineer, and now a developer advocate. Veliswa especially enjoys working with those who are new to tech—and those getting started with AWS.

New — File Release for Amazon FSx for Lustre

Amazon FSx for Lustre provides fully managed shared storage with the scalability and high performance of the open-source Lustre file systems to support your Linux-based workloads. FSx for Lustre is for workloads where storage speed and throughput matter. This is because FSx for Lustre helps you avoid storage bottlenecks, increase utilization of compute resources, and […]

Graphic shows text that reads, Celebrating 15 years of EBS

Welcome to AWS Storage Day 2023

The fifth annual AWS Storage Day took place on Aug. 9, 2023 and you can see the replay here. The first AWS Storage Day was hosted in 2019, and this event has grown into an innovation day that we look forward to delivering to you every year. In last year’s Storage Day post, I wrote […]

AWS Weekly Roundup graphic image

AWS Week in Review – AWS Storage Day, AWS Israel (Tel Aviv) Region, and More – Aug 8, 2023

It’s taken me some time to finally be comfortable with being infront of a camera, a strange thing for a Developer Advocate to say I know! Last week I joined a couple of my team-mates at the AWS London Studios to record a series of videos that will be published in our Build On AWS […]

AWS Week in Review – Amazon Security Lake Now GA, New Actions on AWS Fault Injection Simulator, and More – June 5, 2023

Last Wednesday, I traveled to Cape Town to speak at the .Net Developer User Group. My colleague Francois Bouteruche also gave a talk but joined virtually. I enjoyed my time there—what an amazing community! Join the group in order to learn about upcoming events. Now onto the AWS updates from last week. There was a […]

Announcing General Availability of Step-by-Step Guides for Amazon Connect Agent Workspace

At AWS re:Invent 2022 we announced the availability of step-by-step guides for Amazon Connect agent workspace in preview. My colleagues who collaborated to write the announcement post wrote about some of the challenges that contact centers face with training new agents to get up to speed with their agent desktop. They also mentioned that until […]

Announcing Amazon DocumentDB Elastic Clusters

Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) is a scalable, highly durable, and fully managed database service for operating mission-critical JSON workloads. It is one of AWS fast-growing services with customers including BBC, Dow Jones, and Samsung relying on Amazon DocumentDB to run their JSON workloads at scale. Today I am excited to announce the general availability […]

New – Announcing Automated Data Preparation for Amazon QuickSight Q

In this post that was published in September 2021, Jeff Barr announced general availability of Amazon QuickSight Q. To recap, Amazon QuickSight Q is a natural language query capability that lets business users ask simple questions of their data. QuickSight Q is powered by machine learning (ML), providing self-service analytics by allowing you to query […]

New – Announcing Amazon EFS Elastic Throughput

Today, we are announcing the availability of Amazon EFS Elastic Throughput, a new throughput mode for Amazon EFS that is designed to provide your applications with as much throughput as they need with pay-as-you-use pricing. This new throughput mode enables you to further simplify running workloads and applications on AWS by providing shared file storage […]