AWS News Blog

Category: Amazon EC2

SIOS CloudStation – Cloud-Powered High Availability and Disaster Recovery

Late last week I met Jim Kaskade of SIOS at a Seattle-area Starbucks for a meeting and a product demo. With the very cool (and appropriate) title “Chief of Cloud”, Jim was the right person to demonstrate his company’s new cloud-powered high availability and disaster recovery solution. Jim’s Mac laptop was running Centos. He used […]

Amazon EC2 Reserved Instances with Windows

It seems to me that every time we release a new service or feature, our customers come up with ideas and requests for at least two more! As they begin to “think cloud” and to get their minds around all that they can do with AWS, their imaginations start to run wild and they aren’t […]

New EC2 Instance Type: m2.xlarge

We’ve added a new EC2 instance type to our repertoire. It is called the High Memory Extra Large (m2.xlarge) and has the following specs: 17.1 GB of RAM. 420 GB of local storage. 64-bit platform. 6.5 ECU (EC2 Compute Units), 2 virtual cores each with 3.25 ECU. You can leverage this new instance type as […]

That’s Flexibility, Baby!

Hi there, this is Simone Brunozzi, AWS Technology Evangelist for Europe and APAC. While Jeff Barr is in Japan, I’ll steal his keyboard to tell you a couple of nice Amazon Web Services success stories. The first one is from our friends at, a German company that allows you to launch your own web […]

Server Density – Easy Server Monitoring

The Server Density monitoring service now supports Amazon EC2 using data collected and made available via Amazon CloudWatch and an optional lightweight monitoring agent. Provided as a fully managed hosting service, Server Density can provide a snapshot of server status at any time. Alerts can be triggered from any of the metrics and can be […]

Cloud MapReduce from Accenture

Accenture is a Global Solution Provider for AWS. As part of their plan to help their clients extend their IT provisioning capabilities into the cloud, they offer a complete Cloud Computing Suite including the Accenture Cloud Computing Accelerator, the Cloud Computing Assessment Tool, the Cloud Computing Data Processing Solution, and the Accenture Web Scaler. Huan […]

More on ADFS with Amazon EC2

Thanks to those who wrote to me with ideas about using ADFS to federate with Windows instances running on Amazon EC2. My original post was picked up by a couple other blogs, which Id like to acknowledge here:     ADFS / WIF on Amazon EC2 by Eugenio Pace (part of the ClaimsID Project)     A […]

Federation with ADFS in Windows Server 2008

As I’ve talked with customers who have deployed or plan to deploy Windows Server 2008 instances on Amazon EC2, one feature they commonly inquire about is Active Directory Federation Services (ADFS). There seems to be a lot of interest in ADFS v2 with its support for WS-Federation and Windows Identity Foundation. These capabilities are fully […]