AWS News Blog

Category: Compute

New T2.Large Instances

We launched the T2 instances last summer (see my post, New Low Cost EC2 Instances with Burstable Performance for more information). These instances give you a generous amount of baseline capacity and the ability to automatically and transparently scale up to full-core processing power on an as-needed basis. The bursting model is based on “CPU […]

Now Available – SQL Server Enterprise Edition AMI for EC2

You can now launch SQL Server Enterprise Edition on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) using a new, pre-configured AMI (Amazon Machine Image). This edition of SQL Server offers some new and unique features including: High Availability – You can configure a primary database and up to four active, readable secondary databases into an Always-On […]

AWS Lambda Update – Run Java Code in Response to Events

Many AWS customers are using AWS Lambda to build clean, straightforward applications that handle image and document uploads, process log files from AWS CloudTrail, handle data streamed from Amazon Kinesis, and so forth. With the recently launched synchronous invocation capability, Lambda is fast becoming a favorite choice for building mobile, web and IoT backends. Our […]

EC2 Instance History

I received an interesting tweet last night. Steve Goldsmith of ITOC Australia (an APN Advanced Consulting Partner and recipient of an AWS Customer Obsession award earlier this year) asked me if I had a historical timeline of Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance launches: I didn’t have one, but it seemed like a worthwhile […]