AWS News Blog

Category: Database

Amazon RDS Partners & New RDS Partner Page

As you may know, Amazon RDS makes it easy for our customers to set up, scale, and operate a relational database in the cloud. Amazon RDS supports MySQL, Oracle (Standard Edition One, Standard Edition and Enterprise Edition) and Microsoft SQL Server (Web, Express, Standard, and Enterprise editions). RDS handles the time-consuming database administration tasks so […]

Cross-Region Snapshot Copy for Amazon RDS

I know that many AWS customers are interested in building applications that run in more than one of the eight public AWS regions. As a result, we have been working to add features to AWS to simplify and streamline the data manipulation operations associated with building and running global applications. In the recent past we […]

Amazon Redshift Expands into Asia Pacific, Adds Features

Amazon Redshift lets you deploy a fast, fully managed, petabyte-scale data warehouse with just a couple of clicks. Once you create your cluster, you can use it to analyze your data using your existing business intelligence tools. Custom applications that use JDBC or ODBC connections will also work, as will those which use standard PostgreSQL […]

Migrate On-Premises MySQL Data to Amazon RDS (and back)

I love to demo Amazon RDS. It is really cool to be able to launch a relational database instance in minutes, and to show my audiences how it manages scaling, backups, restores, patches, and availability so that they can focus on their application. After my demo, I invariably get questions about data migration. The audiences […]

New Read Replica Capabilities for Amazon RDS

If you use Amazon RDS, you probably understand the ease with which you can create read replicas to increase the scalability and performance of your database-backed applications. Today we are extending this feature to decrease replica creation time, increase snapshot performance, and give you even more read throughput. Let’s take a closer look… Parallel Replica […]