AWS News Blog

Category: Developer Tools

Java.util.Map Implementation for Amazon S3

Tom White dropped me a note to tell me that he had created an implementation of java.util.Map on top of Amazon S3. As Tom notes, “Normally we strive for an implementation that is efficient in terms of speed, however in this case I was very aware of the monetary cost of each method.” Tom took […]

Quick Picks for Friday

I use a handful of web and blog search engines which produce RSS feeds that I monitor to find interesting developments for this blog. Here are a few recent findings: There’s a new version of Ruby/Amazon. Brian Krow is looking at S3 and Jungledisk, and wondering where he left his tape drive. David Aiken is […]

Openfount Queued Server

The Openfount Queued Server looks really interesting. It took me a little while to understand the architecture, but this was time well spent. Basically, this technology interposes a set of processing queues between a web client and a backend server. The queues are apparently implemented using our S3 and SQS services. The client never talks […]

Using AWS and XSLT to create JSON

It is always interesting to see how a developer’s background, experiences, and the contents of their “mental toolkit” come together in unique approaches to problem solving and creative thinking. Here’s an example of what I am talking about. Alan Taylor of has been building applications with AWS since the early days, starting out with […]

IBiz S3 Integrator

Gent Hito of /N Software sent me some information about their new product, the IBiz S3 Integrator. The S3 integrator (currently in beta testing) provides an easy to use developer interface for accessing Amazon S3, with full access to create, modify, and delete buckets. Includes documentation, help, and a sample S# browser application. Developers will […]