AWS News Blog

Category: Developer Tools

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Introducing AWS Resource Explorer – Quickly Find Resources in Your AWS Account

Looking for a specific Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) instance, Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) task, or Amazon CloudWatch log group can take some time, especially if you have many resources and use multiple AWS Regions. Today, we’re making that easier. Using the new AWS Resource Explorer, you can search through the AWS […]

AWS Week In review September 26 2022

AWS Week In Review — September 26, 2022

It looks like my travel schedule is coupled with this Week In Review series of blog posts. This week, I am traveling to Fort-de-France in the French Caribbean islands to meet our customers and partners. I enjoy the travel time when I am offline. It gives me the opportunity to reflect on the past or […]

AWS Week in Review – September 19, 2022

Things are heating up in Seattle, with preparation for AWS re:Invent 2022 well underway. Later this month the entire News Blog team will participate in our now-legendary “speed storming” event. Over the course of three or four days, each of the AWS service teams with a launch in the works for re:Invent will give us […]


Now in Preview – Amazon CodeWhisperer- ML-Powered Coding Companion

As I was getting ready to write this post I spent some time thinking about some of the coding tools that I have used over the course of my career. This includes the line-oriented editor that was an intrinsic part of the BASIC interpreter that I used in junior high school, the IBM keypunch that […]

AWS Week In Review – May 23, 2022

This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS! This is the right place to quickly learn about recent AWS news from last week, in just about five minutes or less. This week, I have collected a couple of […]

AWS Week in Review – May 9, 2022

This post is part of our Week in Review series. Check back each week for a quick roundup of interesting news and announcements from AWS! Another week starts, and here’s a collection of the most significant AWS news from the previous seven days. This week is also the one-year anniversary of CloudFront Functions. It’s exciting […]

New for Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer – Detector Library and Security Detectors for Log-Injection Flaws

Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer is a developer tool that detects security vulnerabilities in your code and provides intelligent recommendations to improve code quality. For example, CodeGuru Reviewer introduced Security Detectors for Java and Python code to identify security risks from the top ten Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP) categories and follow security best practices for AWS […]

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New for App Runner – VPC Support

With AWS App Runner, you can quickly deploy web applications and APIs at any scale. You can start with your source code or a container image, and App Runner will fully manage all infrastructure including servers, networking, and load balancing for your application. If you want, App Runner can also configure a deployment pipeline for […]