AWS News Blog

Category: Launch

New – Auto Scaling for EMR Clusters

The Amazon EMR team is cranking out new features at an impressive pace (guess they have lots of worker nodes)! So far this quarter they have added all of these features: September – Data Encryption for Apache Spark, Tez, and Hadoop MapReduce. September – Open-sourced EMR-DynamoDB Connector for Apache Hive. November – Stream Processing at […]

New for Amazon Simple Queue Service – FIFO Queues with Exactly-Once Processing & Deduplication

As the very first member of the AWS family of services, Amazon Simple Queue Service (Amazon SQS) has certainly withstood the test of time!  Back in 2004, we described it as a “reliable, highly scalable hosted queue for buffering messages between distributed application components.” Over the years, we have added many features including a dead […]

Amazon QuickSight Now Generally Available – Fast & Easy to Use Business Analytics for Big Data

After a preview period that included participants from over 1,500 AWS customers ranging from startups to global enterprises, I am happy to be able to announce that Amazon QuickSight is now generally available! When I invited you to join the preview last year, I wrote: In the past, Business Intelligence required an incredible amount of […]

New – GPU-Powered Amazon Graphics WorkSpaces

Update 07/2020 – For the most up to date information on the availability of these graphics bundles please see the Workspace FAQ here. As you can probably tell from my I Love My Amazon WorkSpace post I am kind of a fan-boy! Since writing that post I have found out that I am not alone, […]

New – CloudWatch Events for EBS Snapshots

Cloud computing can improve upon traditional IT operations by giving you the power to automate complex high-level operations that were formerly kept in a runbook or passed along as tribal knowledge. Far too many of these operations involve backup and recovery operations, especially in smaller and less mature organizations. Many AWS customers make great use […]