AWS News Blog

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Paging Doctor Cloud! Amazon HealthLake Is Now Generally Available

At AWS re:Invent 2020, we previewed Amazon HealthLake, a fully managed, HIPAA-eligible service that allows healthcare and life sciences customers to aggregate their health information from different silos and formats into a structured, centralized AWS data lake, and extract insights from that data with analytics and machine learning (ML). Today, I’m very happy to announce […]

Easily Manage Security Group Rules with the New Security Group Rule ID

At AWS, we tirelessly innovate to allow you to focus on your business, not its underlying IT infrastructure. Sometimes we launch a new service or a major capability. Sometimes we focus on details that make your professional life easier. Today, I’m happy to announce one of these small details that makes a difference: VPC security […]

Amazon CodeGuru Reviewer Updates: New Java Detectors and CI/CD Integration with GitHub Actions

Amazon CodeGuru allows you to automate code reviews and improve code quality, and thanks to the new pricing model announced in April you can get started with a lower and fixed monthly rate based on the size of your repository (up to 90% less expensive). CodeGuru Reviewer helps you detect potential defects and bugs that […]

Line art promoting AWS BugBust

New – AWS BugBust: It’s Game Over for Bugs

Today, we are launching AWS BugBust, the world’s first global challenge to fix one million bugs and reduce technical debt by over $100 million. You might have participated in a bug bash before. Many of the software companies where I’ve worked (including Amazon) run them in the weeks before launching a new product or service. […]

New – AWS Step Functions Workflow Studio – A Low-Code Visual Tool for Building State Machines

AWS Step Functions allow you to build scalable, distributed applications using state machines. Until today, building workflows on Step Functions required you to learn and understand Amazon State Language (ASL). Today, we are launching Workflow Studio, a low-code visual tool that helps you learn Step Functions through a guided interactive interface and allows you to […]

Graviton Challenge graphic

Migrate Your Workloads with the Graviton Challenge!

Today, Dave Brown, VP of Amazon EC2 at AWS, announced the Graviton Challenge as part of his session on AWS silicon innovation at the Six Five Summit 2021. We invite you to take the Graviton Challenge and move your applications to run on AWS Graviton2. The challenge, intended for individual developers and small teams, is […]

Amazon SageMaker Named as the Outright Leader in Enterprise MLOps Platforms

Over the last few years, Machine Learning (ML) has proven its worth in helping organizations increase efficiency and foster innovation. As ML matures, the focus naturally shifts from experimentation to production. ML processes need to be streamlined, standardized, and automated to build, train, deploy, and manage models in a consistent and reliable way. Perennial IT […]