AWS News Blog

Category: Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)

File Interface to AWS Storage Gateway

September 8, 2021: Amazon Elasticsearch Service has been renamed to Amazon OpenSearch Service. See details. I should probably have a blog category for “catching up from AWS re:Invent!” Last November we made a really important addition to the AWS Storage Gateway that I was too busy to research and write about at the time. As […]

Amazon Redshift Spectrum – Exabyte-Scale In-Place Queries of S3 Data

Now that we can launch cloud-based compute and storage resources with a couple of clicks, the challenge is to use these resources to go from raw data to actionable results as quickly and efficiently as possible. Amazon Redshift allows AWS customers to build petabyte-scale data warehouses that unify data from a variety of internal and […]

AWS Storage Update – S3 & Glacier Price Reductions + Additional Retrieval Options for Glacier

Back in 2006, we launched S3 with a revolutionary pay-as-you-go pricing model, with an initial price of 15 cents per GB per month. Over the intervening decade, we reduced the price per GB by 80%, launched S3 in every AWS Region, and enhanced the original one-size-fits-all model with user-driven features such as web site hosting, […]

CloudTrail Update – Capture and Process Amazon S3 Object-Level API Activity

I would like to show you how several different AWS services can be used together to address a challenge faced by many of our customers. Along the way I will introduce you to a new AWS CloudTrail feature that launches today and show you how you can use it in conjunction with CloudWatch Events. The […]

Human Longevity, Inc. – Changing Medicine Through Genomics Research

Human Longevity, Inc. (HLI) is at the forefront of genomics research and wants to build the world’s largest database of human genomes along with related phenotype and clinical data, all in support of preventive healthcare. In today’s guest post, Yaron Turpaz, Bryan Coon, and Ashley Van Zeeland talk about how they are using AWS to […]

Amazon QuickSight Now Generally Available – Fast & Easy to Use Business Analytics for Big Data

After a preview period that included participants from over 1,500 AWS customers ranging from startups to global enterprises, I am happy to be able to announce that Amazon QuickSight is now generally available! When I invited you to join the preview last year, I wrote: In the past, Business Intelligence required an incredible amount of […]

Genome Engineering Applications: Early Adopters of the Cloud

Our friends at the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) in Australia sent along the guest post below to tell us about how AWS powers an important new genome editing technique. — Jeff   Recent developments in molecular engineering technology now enables the accurate editing of genomes. The new technology, called CRISPR-Cas9, can be […]