AWS Compute Blog

Category: Application Services

Evaluating access control methods to secure Amazon API Gateway APIs

This post is written by Bryant Bost, Cloud Application Architect. There is not a one-size-fits-all approach to access control for Amazon API Gateway. Properties of your application such as API type, identity provider, client access patterns, privacy requirements, and others influence the design of your access control solution. Understanding the types of access control available […]

Using multiple segments in Amazon API Gateway base path mapping

Amazon API Gateway recently enhanced base path mapping for custom domains by introducing multi-level base path mapping. Before multi-level base path mapping, paths could not contain a forward slash (/) in a base path. This restriction meant that base paths could only consist of a single word (for example, sales) or a concatenation of several […]

Noise created from image on web page

Handling binary data using Amazon API Gateway HTTP APIs

This post is written by Rudolf Potucek, Startup Solutions Architect. Amazon API Gateway REST APIs have supported binary data since 2016. API Gateway HTTP APIs makes it easier to work with both binary and text media types. It supports a new payload format version and infers encoding based on request and response formats. In this […]

Reference architecture

Building a serverless multi-player game that scales

This post introduces the Simple Trivia Service, a single- and multi-player game built using a serverless-first architecture on AWS. I cover different solutions that you can use to enable connectivity from your game client to a serverless-first backend for both single- and multi-player games.