AWS Compute Blog

Category: Amazon Elastic Container Service

Migrate Wildfly Cluster to Amazon ECS using Service Discovery

This post is courtesy of Vidya Narasimhan, AWS Solutions Architect 1. Overview Java Enterprise Edition has been an important server-side platform for over a decade for developing mission-critical & large-scale applications amongst enterprises. High-availability & fault tolerance for such applications is typically achieved through built-in JEE clustering provided by the platform. JEE clustering represents a […]

AWS Fargate Price Reduction – Up to 50%

AWS Fargate is a compute engine that uses containers as its fundamental compute primitive. AWS Fargate runs your application containers for you on demand. You no longer need to provision a pool of instances or manage a Docker daemon or orchestration agent. Because the infrastructure that runs your containers is invisible, you don’t have to […]

Amazon ECS Task Placement

Topics Intro Attributes, task groups, and expressions Task placement constraints Task placement strategies Use cases Intro Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) is a highly scalable, high-performance container orchestration service that allows you to easily run and scale containerized applications on AWS. This post covers how Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) runs containers in a […]

Getting started with the AWS Cloud Development Kit for Amazon ECS

The AWS Cloud Development Kit (AWS CDK) is an open-source software development framework to define cloud infrastructure in code and provision it through AWS CloudFormation. The AWS CDK integrates fully with AWS services and offers a higher-level object-oriented abstraction to define AWS resources imperatively. Using the AWS CDK library of infrastructure constructs, you can easily […]

Migrating your Amazon ECS deployment to the new ARN and resource ID format

Update – August 21, 2020 – Added a section with the latest timeline. Starting today you can opt in to a new Amazon Resource Name (ARN) and resource ID format for Amazon ECS tasks, container instances, and services. The new format enables the enhanced ability to tag resources in your cluster, as well as tracking […]

Scanning Docker Images for Vulnerabilities using Clair, Amazon ECS, ECR, and AWS CodePipeline

Post by Vikrama Adethyaa, Solution Architect and Tiffany Jernigan, Developer Advocate Update – July 26, 2021 – While this post remains accurate, we want to make it clear that we did announce built in image scanning in Amazon ECR in October 2019. The built in integration provides a simpler solution than what is in this post. […]

Re-affirming Long-Term Support for Java in Amazon Linux

In light of Oracle’s recent announcement indicating an end to free long-term support for OpenJDK after January 2019, we re-affirm that the OpenJDK 8 and OpenJDK 11 Java runtimes in Amazon Linux 2 will continue to receive free long-term support from Amazon until at least June 30, 2023. We are collaborating and contributing in the […]

Automating rollback of failed Amazon ECS deployments

Contributed by Vinay Nadig, Associate Solutions Architect, AWS. With more and more organizations moving toward Agile development, it’s not uncommon to deploy code to production multiple times a day. With the increased speed of deployments, it’s imperative to have a mechanism in place where you can detect errors and roll back problematic deployments early. In […]

Amazon ECS and Docker volume drivers, part 2: Amazon EFS

← Introduction and Part 1: Amazon EBS   Post by: Tiffany Jernigan and Jeremy Cowan Introduction This is the second post in a series showing how to use Docker volumes with Amazon ECS. If you are unfamiliar with Docker volumes or REX-Ray, or want to know how to use a volume plugin with ECS and […]

Amazon ECS and Docker volume drivers, part 1: Amazon EBS

→ Part 2: Amazon EFS   Post by: Jeremy Cowan, Ronnie Eichler, and Tiffany Jernigan Introduction Containers are emerging as the default compute primitive for building cloud-native applications.  They facilitate the adoption of continuous delivery, and help increase infrastructure use. However, deploying stateful application as containers has been challenging because containers have short life-spans, get […]