AWS Compute Blog

Tag: AWS Outposts

Building Modern Applications with Amazon EKS on Amazon Outposts

This post is written by Brad Kirby, Principal Outposts Specialist, and Chris Lunsford, Senior Outposts SA.  Customers are modernizing applications by deconstructing monolithic architectures and migrating application components into container–based, service-oriented, and microservices architectures. Modern applications improve scalability, reliability, and development efficiency by allowing services to be owned by smaller, more focused teams. This post […]

Architecture highlighting nearly continuous, real-time data replication from on-premises to AWS Outposts.

Architecting for DR on AWS Outposts with CloudEndure

April 19, 2024: This post is considered deprecated. Updated guidance can be found at Architecting for Disaster Recovery on AWS Outposts Racks with AWS Elastic Disaster Recovery. This post is written by Scott Howe – Sr. Secure Hybrid Edge Solutions Architect and Schneider Larbi – Sr. Partner Solutions Architect (VMware & Outposts) AWS Outposts is a […]

Monitoring AWS Outposts capacity

This post is authored by Mike Burbey, Sr. Outposts SA AWS Outposts is a fully managed service that offers the same AWS infrastructure, AWS services, APIs, and tools to any data center, colocation space, or on-premises facility for a consistent hybrid experience. AWS Outposts is ideal for workloads that require low latency, access to on-premises […]

Integrating AWS Outposts with existing security zones

This post is contributed by Santiago Freitas, AWS Head of Technology EEM and Matt Lehwess, Principal Developer Advocate. AWS Outposts is a fully managed service that extends AWS infrastructure, services, APIs, and tools to your on-premises facility. This blog post explains how the resources created on an Outpost can be integrated with security zones of […]