AWS Compute Blog

Tag: contributed

SQS queue options in the console

Introducing attribute-based access controls (ABAC) for Amazon SQS

This post is written by Vikas Panghal (Principal Product Manager), and Hardik Vasa (Senior Solutions Architect). Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS) is a fully managed message queuing service that makes it easier to decouple and scale microservices, distributed systems, and serverless applications. SQS queues enable asynchronous communication between different application components and ensure that each of these […]

Better together: AWS SAM CLI and HashiCorp Terraform

This post is written by Suresh Poopandi, Senior Solutions Architect and Seb Kasprzak, Senior Solutions Architect. Today, AWS is announcing the public preview of AWS Serverless Application Model CLI (AWS SAM CLI) support for local development, testing, and debugging of serverless applications defined using HashiCorp Terraform configuration. AWS SAM and Terraform are open-source frameworks for […]

Lambda Telemetry API

Introducing the AWS Lambda Telemetry API

This blog post is written by Anton Aleksandrov, Principal Solution Architect and Shridhar Pandey, Senior Product Manager Today AWS is announcing the AWS Lambda Telemetry API. This provides an easier way to receive enhanced function telemetry directly from the Lambda service and send it to custom destinations. This makes it easier for developers and operators […]