AWS Compute Blog
Tag: Metrics
Scaling Kubernetes deployments with Amazon CloudWatch metrics
This post is contributed by Kwunhok Chan | Solutions Architect, AWS In an earlier post, AWS introduced Horizontal Pod Autoscaler and Kubernetes Metrics Server support for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service. These tools make it easy to scale your Kubernetes workloads managed by EKS in response to built-in metrics like CPU and memory. However, one common use case for applications […]
Capturing Custom, High-Resolution Metrics from Containers Using AWS Step Functions and AWS Lambda
Contributed by Trevor Sullivan, AWS Solutions Architect When you deploy containers with Amazon ECS, are you gathering all of the key metrics so that you can correctly monitor the overall health of your ECS cluster? By default, ECS writes metrics to Amazon CloudWatch in 5-minute increments. For complex or large services, this may not be sufficient to make […]