AWS Compute Blog

Tag: serverless

Gregor Hohpe talking at EDA Day London 2022

ICYMI: Serverless Q3 2022

Welcome to the 19th edition of the AWS Serverless ICYMI (in case you missed it) quarterly recap. Every quarter, we share all the most recent product launches, feature enhancements, blog posts, webinars, Twitch live streams, and other interesting things that you might have missed! In case you missed our last ICYMI, check out what happened […]

Integrating Amazon MemoryDB for Redis with Java-based AWS Lambda

This post is written by Mansi Y Doshi, Consultant and Aditya Goteti, Sr. Lead Consultant. Enterprises are modernizing and migrating their applications to the AWS Cloud to improve scalability, reduce cost, innovate, and reduce time to market new features. Legacy applications are often built with RDBMS as the only backend solution. Modernizing legacy Java applications […]

Proposed architecture

Lifting and shifting a web application to AWS Serverless: Part 2

In this two-part article, you learn if it is possible to migrate a non-serverless web application to a serverless environment without changing much code. You learn different tools that can help you in this process, like AWS Lambda Web Adaptor and AWS Amplify, and how to solve some of the typical challenges that we have, like storage and authentication.

Reference architecture

Introducing message data protection for Amazon SNS

This post shows how message data protection enables a topic owner to discover and protect sensitive data that is exchanged through SNS topics. The example shows how to create a data protection policy that generates audit reports for sensitive data and blocks messages from delivery to specific subscribers if the payload contains sensitive data.

Introducing new intrinsic functions for AWS Step Functions

Developers use AWS Step Functions, a low-code visual workflow service to build distributed applications, automate IT and business processes, and orchestrate AWS services with minimal code. Step Functions Amazon States Language (ASL) provides a set of functions known as intrinsics that perform basic data transformations. Customers have asked for additional intrinsics to perform more data […]

Building cost-effective AWS Step Functions workflows

Builders create AWS Step Functions workflows to orchestrate multiple services into business-critical applications with minimal code. Customers are looking for best practices and guidelines to build cost-effective workflows with Step Functions. This blog post explains the difference between Standard and Express Workflows. It shows the cost of running the same workload as Express or Standard […]

Speeding up incremental changes with AWS SAM Accelerate and nested stacks

This blog written by Jeff Marcinko, Sr. Technical Account Manager, Health Care & Life Sciencesand Brian Zambrano, Sr. Specialist Solutions Architect, Serverless. Developers and operators have been using the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) to author, build, test, and deploy serverless applications in AWS for over three years. Since its inception, the AWS SAM […]