AWS Contact Center

Tag: Amazon Connect

Programmatically manage phone numbers using APIs in Amazon Connect

Several businesses require dynamic management of their contact center’s Toll free or Direct inward dial (DID)  phone numbers. This need may arise because of use cases such as rapid publishing of marketing hotline numbers, or releasing a new line of sales product or even to set up a brand new area of support. Additionally, associating […]

Provide call sentiment analytics to agents using real-time contact analysis segment streams in Contact Lens for Amazon Connect

Agent experience is a crucial aspect of contact centers and their interactions with end consumers define the customer experience of a business. In such a scenario, providing agents the right tools and information in a timely fashion is key to ensuring first call resolution, decreased average handling times and increased customer satisfaction score. Call sentiment […]

Easily monitor call quality with Amazon Connect

When managing your contact center, call quality has a significant impact on the customer experience. If your agents take calls on Amazon Connect using the softphone over the internet, the audio quality is typically high. However, changes in networking conditions can result in varying audio quality from factors such as increased latency or packet loss.

By capturing and storing real-time call metrics, you can proactively monitor call quality. In this blog, we describe a solution which captures real-time metrics from the Amazon Connect softphone, creates easily understandable dashboards from the metrics, and makes this data searchable for further analysis.

The dashboards give your contact center supervisors and operators insights into the customer experience from both a business and operational lens. They can help you answer questions like how many calls are abnormally short, how many calls experience poor audio quality, and other common operational questions. This allows your business to take actions to improve the customer experience.

Analyze Amazon Connect Contact Trace Record with Amazon Athena and Amazon QuickSight–Part 1

Join us for AWS Contact Center Day, a free virtual event where you’ll learn about the future of customer service, how machine learning can optimize customer and agent experiences—and more. Register now » Introduction Many organizations want the capability to perform analytics on the contact center data for an extended period and build custom reports for […]

How to protect against spam calls for click-to-dial

Amazon Connect customers can configure click-to-dial functionality on their website using the StartOutboundVoiceContact API. This enables agents to reach out to callers located in a much wider global area, without requiring Amazon Connect customers to provision numbers in several regions. This provides a frictionless experience where customers provide a phone number and Amazon Connect initiates […]

How to batch enroll callers in Amazon Connect Voice ID

by Girish Mallenahally, Sathish Jothikumar, and Swaraj Kankipati | on | Permalink |  Share

Today, contact centers managers that are adopting Amazon Connect also have to migrate their existing business applications such as Contact Center Intelligence, Chat, Outbound Communications, and more to Amazon Connect. Additionally, if a contact center was using biometrics previously, contact center managers must re-enable that functionality on Amazon Connect using Voice ID to avoid any […]

Recommend nearby points of interest using a custom Contact Control Panel

In some scenarios, Amazon Connect agents may need to look up nearby point of interests quickly to assist their end customers. For example, in a car accident, the driver of the car might call into the auto insurance company for assistance and request contact information for a nearby repair shop or car rental company. This […]

Easily create and visualize post chat surveys with Amazon Connect and Amazon Lex

Contact centers face a challenge of having to constantly improve on the contact center experience based on customer feedback. In order to so, it is important that contact centers collect reliable and measurable data. Contact centers can implement post chat customer satisfaction surveys that allow for actionable feedback on user experience and agent performance. Customer […]

Build a drug reminder service with AWS IoT, Amazon Lex, and Amazon Connect

Taking medications as prescribed is essential for any illness treatment. However, it can become confusing when there are multiple pills to be taken at different times of the day. This becomes more problematic for patients with mild cognitive impairment, Alzheimer’s or other kinds of dementia. Some medications are prescribed three times a day, while others […]

How to consolidate similar profiles using Amazon Connect Customer Profiles Identity Resolution

Today, customers expect companies to engage with them in a highly relevant and personalized way, regardless of channel. Companies have different customer records for the same end-customer across different channels and lines of businesses. These customer records do not have a unique identifier to unify the data. Even if the unique identifiers exist, they are […]