
Category: Amazon Elastic Container Service

Automate rollbacks for Amazon ECS rolling deployments with CloudWatch alarms

Introduction Amazon ECS now offers native support for monitoring and automatically reacting to changes during a rolling update by using Amazon CloudWatch metric alarms. This enables customers to easily automate discovery and remediation for failed deployments and minimize the performance and availability impacts. Customers can configure Amazon CloudWatch alarms for their rolling updates using the […]

Announcing upcoming changes to the Amazon ECS console

Today, we’re excited to announce that the new Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) console becomes the default starting January 2023. The new console makes it easier to deploy containerized applications, configure load balancing, networking, monitoring, and gives you the new workflows for the effective operations and troubleshooting. Since its launch at re:Invent 2014, Amazon […]

Happy 5th birthday, AWS Fargate!

In just 5 years, AWS Fargate has emerged as the mission-critical infrastructure for customers seeking to adopt container-based applications without managing underlying infrastructure. Its ability to provide serverless compute paired with a unique security model, where every container is wrapped in a virtual machine, has earned the trust of many organizations. AWS Fargate has been […]

Centralized Logging for Windows Containers on Amazon EKS using Fluent Bit

Centralized Logging for Windows Containers on Amazon EKS using Fluent Bit

Introduction Today, Amazon Web Services (AWS) announced the support for Fluent Bit container images for Windows operating system. This support eliminates the need for Windows customers to implement any custom logging solutions in their application code or manage custom agents on their Windows nodes to scrape the logs. For more details about the supported Windows […]

Centralized logging for Windows containers on Amazon ECS using Fluent Bit

Centralized logging for Windows containers on Amazon ECS using Fluent Bit

Introduction Today, Amazon Web Services (AWS) announced the support for Fluent Bit container images for Windows operating system. This support eliminates the need for Windows customers to implement any custom logging solutions in their application code or manage custom agents on their Windows instances to scrape the logs. For more details about the supported Windows […]

Announcing Amazon ECS Task Scale-in protection

Introduction We are excited to launch Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) Task Scale-in protection, which is a new capability that gives customers control over protecting Amazon ECS service tasks from being terminated by scale-in events from Amazon ECS service Auto Scaling or deployments. Customers can simply mark their mission-critical tasks as protected from scale-in […]

Announcing AWS App Runner Private Services

Earlier this year we announced the general availability of App Runner VPC support. This feature enabled your services to communicate with databases and other applications hosted in an Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (Amazon VPC). Today, we released App Runner private services, and now customers can strengthen the security posture of their applications and meet their […]

Faster Scaling-in for Amazon ECS Cluster Auto Scaling

Faster Scaling-in for Amazon ECS Cluster Auto Scaling

Introduction Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) customers who use Cluster auto scaling (CAS) have expressed that they would like to scale-in more quickly so that they can avoid paying extra charges for compute resources during scale-in events. To make scaling-in more responsive, today we are pleased to introduce an enhancement to increase the scale-in step […]

Read our blog post on securing Amazon Elastic Container Service applications using Application Load Balancer and Amazon Cognito.

Securing Amazon Elastic Container Service applications using Application Load Balancer and Amazon Cognito

Introduction Designing and maintaining secure user management, authentication and other related features for applications is not an easy task. Amazon Cognito takes care of this work, which allows developers to focus on building the core business logic of the application. Amazon Cognito provides user management, authentication, and authorization for applications where users can log in […]

Read our blog post about optimizing your Spring Boot application for AWS Fargate.

Optimize your Spring Boot application for AWS Fargate

Update: Spring Boot has been updated to version 3, which also means that Amazon Corretto 17 is used as JDK for all versions. Fast startup times are key to quickly react to disruptions and demand peaks, and they can increase the resource efficiency. With AWS Fargate, you don’t need to take care of the underlying […]