
Category: Compute

How Quora modernized MLOps on Amazon EKS to improve customer experience with scalable ML applications

This blog post was co-written by Lida Li of Quora Introduction Quora is a leading Q&A platform with a mission to share and grow the world’s knowledge, serving hundreds of millions of users worldwide every month. Quora uses machine learning (ML) to generate a custom feed of questions, answers, and content recommendations based on each […]

Multi-cluster cost monitoring for Amazon EKS using Kubecost and Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus

Introduction Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus is a Prometheus-compatible service that monitors and provides alerts on containerized applications and infrastructure at scale. In the previous post, Integrating Kubecost with Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus, we discussed how you can integrate Kubecost with Amazon Managed Service for Prometheus (AMP) to get granular visibility into your Amazon […]

Conformitron: Validate third-party software with Amazon EKS and Amazon EKS Anywhere

Introduction With the proliferation of open-source and commercial container software products, customers want to know upfront which products are compatible with the container orchestrator of their choice. Customers expect compatibility testing to be continuous and include all the available dimensions, such as Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) / Amazon EKS Anywhere (EKS-A) versions, OS, […]

Diving into Container Insights cost optimizations for Amazon EKS

Introduction Amazon CloudWatch Container Insights allows you to collect, aggregate, and analyze metrics, logs, and traces for your container-based applications and infrastructure on AWS. Container Insights captures metrics for various resources, such as CPU, memory, disk, and network, along with diagnostic data like container restart failures, which enables you to efficiently isolate and resolve problems. […]

Migrate cron jobs to event-driven architectures using Amazon Elastic Container Service and Amazon EventBridge

Introduction Many customers use traditional cron job schedulers in on-premise systems. They need a simple approach to move these scheduled tasks to AWS without refactoring while unlocking the scalability of the cloud. A lift-and-shift migration to Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) is always a possibility, but that doesn’t take advantage of cloud-native services or […]

Announcing Container Image Signing with AWS Signer and Amazon EKS

Introduction Today we are excited to announce the launch of AWS Signer Container Image Signing, a new capability that gives customers native AWS support for signing and verifying container images stored in container registries like Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR). AWS Signer is a fully managed code signing service to ensure trust and integrity […]

Happy 5th Birthday Amazon EKS!

Today we’re thrilled to celebrate the 5th anniversary of Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS), and it’s an opportune moment to reflect on our journey so far. Since its launch in 2018, Amazon EKS has served tens of thousands of customers worldwide in running resilient, secure, and scalable container-based applications. Amazon EKS, using upstream Kubernetes, […]

Announcing pull through cache for in Amazon Elastic Container Registry

Introduction Container images are stored in registries and pulled into environments where they run. There are many different types of registries from private, self-run registries to public, unauthenticated registries. The registry you use is a direct dependency that can have an impact on how fast you can scale, the security of the software you run, […]

All you need to know about moving to containerd on Amazon EKS

Introduction The dockershim, an application programming interface (API) shim between the kubelet and the Docker Engine, deprecated from Kubernetes 1.24 in favor of supporting Container Runtime Interface (CRI) compatible runtimes. Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) also ended support of the dockershim starting with the Kubernetes version 1.24 release. The official EKS Amazon Machine Images(AMI) […]

How to establish private connectivity for ECS Anywhere

Introduction In 2014, AWS announced Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS), a fully managed service that helps you orchestrate, deploy, and scale containerized applications. Although Amazon ECS serves a wide variety of customers from different segments, sizes, and verticals, there are cases where the applications need to run locally. For example, this often occurs in […]