
Category: Compute

Karpenter now supports Windows containers

Introduction In November 2021, AWS introduced Karpenter, an open-source high-performance Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler licensed under the Apache License 2.0. Karpenter helps improve your application availability and cluster efficiency by rapidly launching right-sized compute resources in response to changing application load. Since its release, we’ve been seeing an increase in customers migrating from Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaler […]

Scaling IaC and CI/CD pipelines with Terraform, GitHub Actions, and AWS Proton

Introduction Modern applications run on a variety of compute platforms in AWS including serverless services such as AWS Lambda, AWS App Runner, and AWS Fargate. Organizations today are often required to support architectures using a variety of these AWS services, each offering unique runtime characteristics, such as concurrency and scaling, which can be purpose fit […]

Announcing AWS Fault Injection Simulator new features for Amazon ECS workloads

Introduction We are happy to announce new features in AWS Fault Injection Simulator (FIS) that allow you to inject a variety faults into workloads running in Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) and Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS). This blog shows how to use new AWS FIS actions with Amazon ECS. AWS Fault Injection […]

AWS Fault Injection Simulator supports chaos engineering experiments on Amazon EKS Pods

Introduction Chaos engineering is the discipline of verifying the resilience of your application architecture to identify unforeseen risks, address weaknesses, and ultimately improve confidence in the reliability of your application. In this blog, we demonstrate how to automate running chaos engineering experiments using the new features in AWS Fault Injection Simulator (AWS FIS) to target […]

MuleSoft Anypoint Runtime Fabric Deployment On Amazon EKS Anywhere

This post was co-written with Sparsh Agarwal, Senior Product Manager at Salesforce Introduction Amazon EKS Anywhere (Amazon EKS-A) takes the power of Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) beyond the AWS cloud and enables you to run Amazon EKS on your own infrastructure. It provides an installable software package for creating and operating Kubernetes clusters […]

Increasing pod density for Windows nodes on Amazon EKS

Introduction Today, Amazon Web Services (AWS) announced the support of prefix delegation mode for Windows nodes running in Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS). This feature increases the number of available IP addresses per node, thereby allowing customers to run more pods per Windows node on AWS Nitro based Amazon Elastic Cloud Compute (Amazon EC2) […]

Hosting Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow (MWAA) Local-runner on Amazon ECS Fargate for development and testing

Introduction Data scientists and engineers have made Apache Airflow a leading open-source tool to create data pipelines due to its active open-source community, familiar Python development as Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) workflows, and an extensive library of pre-built integrations. Amazon Managed Workflows for Apache Airflow (MWAA) is a managed service for Apache Airflow that makes […]

Improvements to Amazon ECS task launch behavior when tasks have prolonged shutdown

Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) now launches tasks faster on container instances that are running tasks that have a prolonged shutdown period. This enables customers to scale their workloads faster and improve infrastructure utilization. About Amazon ECS scheduling Amazon ECS is a container orchestrator that’s designed to be able to launch and track application […]

How CoStar uses Karpenter to optimize their Amazon EKS Resources

Introduction CoStar is well known as a market leader for Commercial Real Estate data, but they also run major home, rental, and apartments websites —including—that many have seen advertised by Jeff Goldblum. CoStar’s traditional Commercial Real Estate customers are highly informed users that use large and complex data to make critical business decisions. Successfully […]

Life360’s journey to a multi-cluster Amazon EKS architecture to improve resiliency

This post was coauthored by Jesse Gonzalez, Sr. Staff Site Reliability and Naveen Puvvula, Sr. Eng Manager, Reliability Engineering at Life360 Introduction Life360 offers advanced driving, digital, and location safety features and location sharing for the entire family. Since its launch in 2008, it has become an essential solution for modern life around the world, […]