
Category: Compute

Kubernetes Sessions at AWS re:Invent 2022

AWS re:Invent 2022 is right around the corner, offering several sessions focused on container technologies on AWS. This post highlights the sessions for those interested in AWS Kubernetes technologies and related customer stories. The sessions are listed by session type to help you find the best format for you. The conference offers a variety of […]

Microservices development using AWS controllers for Kubernetes (ACK) and Amazon EKS blueprints

Introduction Microservices architectures make applications easier to scale and faster to develop, which enables innovation and accelerating time-to-market for new features. For business applications with multiple clients (web, mobile, desktop, and smart devices), the application programming interface (API) Gateway microservices design pattern is helpful for adding centralized control and security. Containers and serverless are two […]

Preventing Kubernetes misconfigurations using Datree

David Feldstein, Sr. Containers Specialist AWS co-authored with Shimon Tolts, AWS Community Hero, CEO & Co-founder Introduction Kubernetes has taken the world by storm, according to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation’s (CNCF) Annual Survey of 2021, with 96% of organizations as either using or evaluating Kubernetes. Kubernetes is a production-grade container orchestration platform that […]

Exposing Kubernetes Applications, Part 3: NGINX Ingress Controller

Introduction The Exposing Kubernetes Applications series focuses on ways to expose applications running in a Kubernetes cluster for external access. In Part 1, we explored Service and Ingress resource types that define two ways to control the inbound traffic in a Kubernetes cluster. We discussed handling of these resource types via Service and Ingress controllers, […]

Exposing Kubernetes Applications, Part 2: AWS Load Balancer Controller

Introduction The Exposing Kubernetes Applications series focuses on ways to expose applications running in a Kubernetes cluster for external access. In Part 1 of the series, we explored Service and Ingress resource types that define two ways to control the inbound traffic in a Kubernetes cluster. We discussed the handling of these resource types via […]

Exposing Kubernetes Applications, Part 1: Service and Ingress Resources

Introduction The Exposing Kubernetes Applications series focuses on ways to expose applications running in a Kubernetes cluster for external access. In this Part 1 of the series, we explore Service and Ingress resource types that define two ways to control the inbound traffic in a Kubernetes cluster. We discuss the handling of these resource types […]

Amazon EKS now supports Kubernetes version 1.24

Amazon EKS now supports Kubernetes version 1.24

The Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (Amazon EKS) team is pleased to announce support for Kubernetes version 1.24 for Amazon EKS and Amazon EKS Distro. We are excited for our customers to experience the power of the “Stargazer” release. Each Kubernetes release is given a name by the release team. The team chose “Stargazer” for this […]

Centralized Logging for Windows Containers on Amazon EKS using Fluent Bit

Centralized Logging for Windows Containers on Amazon EKS using Fluent Bit

Introduction Today, Amazon Web Services (AWS) announced the support for Fluent Bit container images for Windows operating system. This support eliminates the need for Windows customers to implement any custom logging solutions in their application code or manage custom agents on their Windows nodes to scrape the logs. For more details about the supported Windows […]

Centralized logging for Windows containers on Amazon ECS using Fluent Bit

Centralized logging for Windows containers on Amazon ECS using Fluent Bit

Introduction Today, Amazon Web Services (AWS) announced the support for Fluent Bit container images for Windows operating system. This support eliminates the need for Windows customers to implement any custom logging solutions in their application code or manage custom agents on their Windows instances to scrape the logs. For more details about the supported Windows […]

Deploying IPFS Cluster using AWS Fargate and Amazon EFS One Zone

Deploying IPFS Cluster using AWS Fargate and Amazon EFS One Zone

Introduction Image source: IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) is a popular decentralized storage solution used for many use cases like decentralized applications, p2p data sharing, or immutable file systems. For more usage ideas see these examples. IPFS Cluster is another application that runs alongside IPFS and provides data orchestration across a swarm of IPFS daemons […]