
Domain reduces scaling time for their mobile API services with Amazon ECS

      This post was contributed by Peter Kiem, Senior DevOps Engineer, Cloud Platform Team, Domain Group, Mitch Beaumont, Principal Solutions Architect, Large Enterprise, Container SME, and Mai Nishitani, Solutions Architect, Large Enterprise. Domain provides real estate information and services to Australians through mobile applications, the web, and newspapers. The company’s services include property […]

How Taloflow saved 60% by moving their data pipeline to AWS Fargate Spot

This post was contributed by Todd Kesselman, CTO, CFO, Chairman, Taloflow. About Taloflow Taloflow is a company focused on cloud cost optimization, cloud cost accounting, and explaining the relationship between cloud costs and business metrics. Data pipeline overview At Taloflow, we take pride in hitting our Service Level Objectives (SLOs) while always striving to find […]

How to set Fluentd and Fluent Bit input parameters in FireLens

This post was contributed by Ben Anscombe, DevOps Engineer at Space Ape Games and Wesley Pettit, Software Engineer at AWS. September 8, 2021: Amazon Elasticsearch Service has been renamed to Amazon OpenSearch Service. See details. FireLens for Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) was launched last year to make it easy for ECS customers to […]

Amazon EKS cluster automation with GitLab CI/CD

Introduction: Container technologies are becoming increasingly popular for customers developing new applications and migrating workloads to the cloud. One of the most common approaches to managing containers at scale is to utilize an orchestration technology such as AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). However, building a repeatable and reliable Kubernetes cluster in a multi-account (or multi-region) […]

Introducing Ubuntu support for Amazon EKS 1.18

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) is a fully automated Kubernetes cluster service on Amazon Web Services (AWS). Ubuntu is a popular and proven operating system for both virtual machine and containerized cloud computing. Canonical (the creator and primary maintainer of Ubuntu) is an Amazon partner and works with the EKS team to provide an optimized […]

Learn how to run containers on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service with our new instructor-led course

This post was contributed by Ed Van Sickle, Product Manager, AWS Training Are you looking for a training course that is more than introductory level on Amazon EKS containers? Good news! We have one. AWS Training & Certification released “Running Containers on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Container Service (Amazon EKS)” in October 2020. The course is […]

Amazon CloudWatch Prometheus metrics now generally available

Imaya Kumar Jagannathan, TP Kohli, and Michael Hausenblas In Using Prometheus Metrics in Amazon CloudWatch we showed you how to use the beta version of the Amazon CloudWatch supporting the ingestion of Prometheus metrics. Now that we made this feature generally available we explore its benefits in greater detail and show you how to use […]

Autoscaling Amazon EKS services based on custom Prometheus metrics using CloudWatch Container Insights

Introduction In a Kubernetes cluster, the Horizontal Pod Autoscaler can automatically scale the number of Pods in a Deployment based on observed CPU utilization and memory usage. The autoscaler depends on the Kubernetes metrics server, which collects resource metrics from Kubelets and exposes them in Kubernetes API server through Metrics API. The metrics server has […]

Cost Optimization Checklist for Amazon ECS and AWS Fargate

This post was contributed by Charu Khurana, Senior Solutions Architect, and John Formento, Solutions Architect. Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) with the AWS Fargate launch type is a powerful, cloud native, container service that allows customers to create container-based workloads in a matter of minutes without managing the underlying infrastructure. Even with the serverless […]

Optimizing Amazon Elastic Container Service for cost using scheduled scaling

Elasticity and cost have always been major factors in improving the operational efficiency of organizations, which in turn drives business transformation and agility. Elasticity is defined as the ability of the infrastructure (including application) to be able to seamlessly scale out and scale in based on the load. This is also called auto scaling. If […]