AWS Database Blog

We can also connect to the Aurora PostgreSQL cluster with the special endpoint without a password from the pgAdmin application.

Using external Kerberos authentication with Amazon Aurora PostgreSQL

In the first post in this series, Preparing on-premises and AWS environments for external Kerberos authentication for Amazon RDS, we built the infrastructure for a one-way forest trust between an on-premises Microsoft Active Directory (AD) domain (trust: incoming) and an AWS Managed Microsoft AD domain (trust: outgoing) provided by AWS Directory Service. In this post, […]

You can see the connection to the RDS for Oracle instance in aws-acc-1 is made as DB user JOEDOE@ONPREM.LOCAL via Kerberos authentication.

Using external Kerberos authentication with Amazon RDS for Oracle

In the first post in this series, Preparing on-premises and AWS environments for external Kerberos authentication for Amazon RDS, we built the infrastructure for a one-way forest trust between an on-premises Microsoft Active Directory (AD) domain (trust: incoming) and an AWS Managed Microsoft AD domain (trust: outgoing) provided by AWS Directory Service. In this post, […]

The following screenshot shows that external Kerberos authentication works for the special instance endpoint in pgAdmin for Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL created in aws-acc-1 and aws-acc-2.

Using external Kerberos authentication with Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL

In the first post in this series, Preparing on-premises and AWS environments for external Kerberos authentication for Amazon RDS, we built the infrastructure for a one-way forest trust between an on-premises Microsoft Active Directory (AD) domain (trust: incoming) and an AWS Managed Microsoft AD domain (trust: outgoing) provided by AWS Directory Service. In this post, […]

In this post, we use one-way (on-premises domain: incoming and AWS managed domain: outgoing) forest trust between the on-premises domain and AWS managed domain, as shown in following architectural diagram.

Preparing on-premises and AWS environments for external Kerberos authentication for Amazon RDS

As database security becomes more and more essential to the success of a business, managing user access to databases effectively has always been a challenge to database administrators (DBAs) and security officers. Traditional database authentication is based on a username-password mechanism. This method unfortunately requires effort from both DBAs and users to maintain the credentials; […]

Automatic upgrades of Amazon RDS for MariaDB versions 10.0 and 10.1 to begin March 9, 2021

MariaDB Server is one of the world’s most popular open source relational databases. It is available in the standard repositories of all major Linux and Windows distributions. The MariaDB Foundation ensures a steady cadence of releases. On average, MariaDB Server has had one stable major release every year. The current supported versions are 10.2, 10.3, […]

The following diagram shows a conceptual architecture regarding these requirements.

Configuring and using Oracle Connection Manager on Amazon EC2 for Amazon RDS for Oracle

This post describes how to configure Oracle Connection Manager on Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) in an Amazon Relational Database Service (Amazon RDS) for Oracle environment, and introduces some best practice use cases when using Oracle Connection Manager on Amazon EC2. Some customers want to have a database proxy server that forwards database connection […]

The following diagram illustrates this architecture.

Cross-account replication with Amazon DynamoDB

July 2024, this post has been reviewed for accuracy. Hundreds of thousands of customers use Amazon DynamoDB for mission-critical workloads. In some situations, you may want to migrate your DynamoDB tables into a different AWS account, for example, in the eventuality of a company being acquired by another company. Another use case is adopting a […]

Building resilient applications with Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility), Part 1: Client configuration

Amazon DocumentDB (with MongoDB compatibility) is a fast, scalable, highly available, and fully managed document database service that supports MongoDB workloads. You can use the same MongoDB 3.6, 4.0 or 5.0 application code, drivers, and tools to run, manage, and scale workloads on Amazon DocumentDB without worrying about managing the underlying infrastructure. As a document […]

This script allows you to avoid hard-coding the credentials in your scripts. The following diagram illustrates this architecture.

How to set up command-line access to Amazon Keyspaces (for Apache Cassandra) by using the new developer toolkit Docker image

Amazon Keyspaces (for Apache Cassandra) is a scalable, highly available, and fully managed Cassandra-compatible database service. Amazon Keyspaces helps you run your Cassandra workloads more easily by using a serverless database that can scale up and down automatically in response to your actual application traffic. Because Amazon Keyspaces is serverless, there are no clusters or […]

A simple benchmark such as in the following visualization shows the performance of each major version with the default configuration increasing with the same application workload.

Upgrading from Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL version 9.5

Updated on 02/18/2021 with more details about the automatic upgrade and its timeline. The PostgreSQL – community releases a new major version yearly, with a defined end of life (EOL) policy of older major versions. This allows you to make version and upgrade decisions well into the future. The community EOL policy is to support […]