AWS Database Blog

Tag: Analytics

Automated query caching into Amazon ElastiCache for Amazon RDS, Amazon Aurora and Amazon Redshift

This is a guest blog post by Erik Brandsberg, CTO at Heimdall Data, in partnership with AWS Technical Evangelist Darin Briskman. Heimdall Data is an AWS Advanced Technology partner who in their own words “offers a database proxy on the AWS Marketplace that supports SQL query caching into Amazon ElastiCache for Redis without code changes. […]

How to perform advanced analytics and build visualizations of your Amazon DynamoDB data by using Amazon Athena

You can reap huge analytical value from billions of items and millions of requests per second in your Amazon DynamoDB service. However, you need to export your data in order to get that analytical value. Copying the data from a DynamoDB table to an analytics platform allows you to extract rich insights. In order to […]

How to build a real-time sales analytics dashboard with Amazon ElastiCache for Redis

Most often, when we discuss Amazon ElastiCache, it is in the context of enhancing the performance of read-heavy database workloads. We update our applications to employ a read-through or write-through pattern to keep data in the cache fresh and ease the burden on the database. When used in this context, ElastiCache accelerates your high volume […]

Using Amazon Redshift for Fast Analytical Reports

With digital data growing at an incomprehensible rate, enterprises are finding it difficult to ingest, store, and analyze the data quickly while keeping costs low. Traditional data warehouse systems need constant upgrades in terms of compute and storage to meet these challenges. In this post, we provide insights into how AWS Premier Partner Wipro helped […]

Using the AWS Database Migration Service, Amazon S3, and AWS Lambda for Database Analytics

Jeff Levine is a solutions architect for Amazon Web Services. The AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS) supports Amazon S3 as a migration target. The services enable you to extract information from any database supported by DMS and write it to Amazon S3 in a format that can be used by almost any application. You can extract the entire […]