AWS Developer Tools Blog

Category: AWS Lambda

AWS Serverless applications with multiple .NET Core projects

When building a serverless application on AWS, AWS CloudFormation is incredibly important for deploying your AWS Lambda functions and the AWS resources that your application will interact with. With our AWS .NET Core Lambda tooling, when you create a serverless application an AWS CloudFormation template is added to your project. The template enables you to […]

Debugging .NET Core AWS Lambda functions using the AWS .NET Mock Lambda Test Tool

How to debug AWS Lambda functions is one of the most common questions we get from developers creating Lambda functions for .NET Core. The best practice is to write repeatable and automated tests to ensure that your functions stay correct as you make changes to them using frameworks like The programming model for Lambda […]

Creating a PowerShell REST API

With the recent AWS Lambda support for PowerShell, it’s now easy to make web APIs with Amazon API Gateway that execute your PowerShell scripts. In the previous blog post, we showed how to deploy PowerShell-based Lambda functions with AWS CloudFormation. We are going to reuse that technique in this post because using AWS CloudFormation is […]

Deploying PowerShell-based Lambda with AWS CloudFormation

We recently announced AWS Lambda support for PowerShell. In our initial blog post, we showed how you can use the new AWSLambdaPSCore module to deploy PowerShell scripts to Lambda. In this blog post, we talk about how you can integrate PowerShell-based Lambda functions with AWS CloudFormation. It’s common to want to deploy a collection of […]

Announcing Lambda Support for PowerShell Core

Today we are excited to release support for PowerShell Core 6.0 with AWS Lambda. This new feature enables you to execute PowerShell scripts or functions in response to any Lambda event, such as an Amazon S3 event or Amazon CloudWatch scheduled event. Setting up a development environment Before we get started developing PowerShell based Lambda […]

.NET Core Lambda Deployment task enhancements in the AWS Tools for VSTS

In the recent version 1.1 update of the AWS Tools for Microsoft Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS), we added some enhancements to the AWS .NET Core Lambda Deployment task. These enhancements are based on user feedback requesting help with CI/CD scenarios, where users wanted their builds to package their AWS Lambda functions or serverless applications, […]

F# Tooling Support for AWS Lambda

F# is a functional language that runs on .NET and enables you to use packages written in other .NET languages, like the AWS SDK for .NET that’s written in C#. Today we have released a new version of the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio 2017 with support for writing AWS Lambda functions in F#. These […]