AWS Developer Tools Blog

Chalice 0.4 & 0.5 Deliver Local Testing and Multifile Application Capabilities for Python Serverless Application Development

We’re continuing to add features to Chalice, a preview release of our microframework for Python serverless application development using AWS Lambda and Amazon API Gateway. Chalice is designed to make it simple and fast for Python developers to create REST APIs built in a serverless framework. In our latest releases, we’ve added initial versions for a couple […]

Using AWS SDK for Go API Setters

In release v1.5.0 of the AWS SDK for Go, we added setters to all API operation parameters. Setters give you the ability to set API parameters without directly taking the value’s address. The setters wrap this functionality internally so you don’t have to. The setters are a convenient way to reduce the need to use aws.String and similar utilities. The following code shows […]

How the Amazon SQS FIFO API Works

We have just introduced FIFO queues for Amazon SQS. These queues offer strictly ordered message delivery and exactly-once message processing. The FIFO API builds on the SQS API and adds new capabilities. This post explains the additions, how they work, and when to use them. Customers have asked us for these features.  Although many apps […]

Mocking Out the AWS SDK for Go for Unit Testing

In our previous post, we showed how you could use the request handler stack in the AWS SDK for Go to extend or modify how requests are sent and received. Now, we’d like to expand the idea of extending the SDK and discuss how you can unit test code that uses the SDK. The SDK’s service clients are a […]

Retry Throttling

In this blog post, we discuss the existing request retry feature, and the new retry throttling feature that we have rolled out in the AWS SDK for .NET V3 from version of the AWSSDK.Core package. In request retry, client side requests are retried, and often succeed, in cases involving transient network or service issues. […]

AWS Toolkit for Eclipse: VPC Configuration for an AWS Elastic Beanstalk Environment

I’m glad to announce that the AWS Elastic Beanstalk plugin in the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse now supports Configuring VPC with Elastic Beanstalk. If you’re new to AWS Toolkit for Eclipse, see the User Guide for a basic introduction and setup guidance. If you’re new to AWS Elastic Beanstalk plugin, see AWS Elastic Beanstalk and Eclipse Integration to learn […]

General Availability for .NET Core Support in the AWS SDK for .NET

Today, we announce the general availability (GA) of our .NET Core support in the AWS SDK for .NET. Previously, we’ve supported .NET Core in our 3.2.x beta NuGet packages while maintaining our 3.1.x NuGet packages on our stable master branch with the frequent AWS service updates. With the move to GA status for .NET Core, […]

Configuring AWS SDK with .NET Core

One of the biggest changes in .NET Core is the removal of ConfigurationManager and the standard app.config and web.config files that were used ubiquitously with .NET Framework and ASP.NET applications. The AWS SDK for .NET used this configuration system to set things like AWS credentials and region so that you wouldn’t have to do this […]