AWS Developer Tools Blog

Using a Thread Pool with the AWS SDK for C++

The default thread executor implementation we provide for asynchronous operations spins up a thread and then detaches it. On modern operating systems, this is often exactly what we want. However, there are some other use cases for which this simply will not work. For example, suppose we want to fire off asynchronous calls to Amazon […]

Serverless Service Discovery: Part 2: Lookup

In this, the second part of our serverless service discovery series, we will use Amazon DynamoDB to store information about the services in our service discovery service and update our AWS Lambda function to read information from the DynamoDB table. Updating Amazon API Gateway and AWS Lambda As part of adding new functionality to what […]

Serverless Service Discovery – Part 1: Get Started

AWS provides a lot of features and services for writing serverless architectures with Python. In this four-part series, we will show how you can use Python to manage and implement Amazon API Gateway, AWS Lambda, and Amazon DynamoDB. We will use a common use case, service discovery, to showcase a simple way to do this […]

AWS Lambda Support for Node.js 4.3.2 Runtime

We are pleased to announce that in conjunction with the availability of Node.js 4.3.2 in AWS Lambda, Version 2.3.2 of the AWS SDK for JavaScript (in both Node.js and in the browser) supports the passing in of “nodejs4.3” as a value for the Runtime parameter for the createFunction and updateFunctionConfiguration operations. Now that the Node.js […]

AWS SDK for .NET Version 2 Status

Version 3 of the AWS SDK for .NET has been generally available since 7/28/2015. Although the legacy version (v2) of the SDK will continue to work, we strongly recommend that all customers migrate to the latest version 3 to take advantage of various improvements including modularized architecture, portable class library support, and .NET Core support. […]

Support for Promises in the SDK

Today’s release of the AWS SDK for JavaScript (v2.3.0) introduces support for promises when calling service operations. Promises provide an alternative to the use of a callback function to manage asynchronous flow. They allow treating asynchronous calls as a variable, simplifying error handling and providing greater control over handling results from asynchronous calls. For more […]

Testing Lambda functions using the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse

In this blog post, I will introduce how to test AWS Lambda functions in Eclipse by using the AWS Toolkit for Eclipse. The AWS Toolkit for Eclipse Lambda Plugin provides a feature in which a JUnit test class is created automatically upon creation of a new AWS Lambda Java project. I will give you step-by-step instructions for creating […]

Announcing the AWS Encryption SDK

We’ve published several posts on client-side encryption using Java tools over the past couple of years, including ones on the S3 Encryption Client and the DynamoDB Encryption Client. Both of these clients assume a specific AWS service as the storage layer for data encrypted by the client. Today, the AWS Cryptography team released the AWS […]

Introducing Retry Throttling

Client side retries are used to avoid surfacing unnecessary exceptions back to the caller in the case of transient network or service issues.  In these situations a subsequent retry will likely succeed.  Although this process incurs a time penalty, it is often better than the noise from oversensitive client side exceptions.  Retries are less useful […]

Migrating your databases using AWS Database Migration Service

In this blog post, I will introduce a simple workflow using the AWS SDK for Java to perform a database migration with the AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS). AWS DMS helps you migrate databases to AWS easily and securely. With AWS DMS, the source database remains fully operational during the migration, minimizing downtime to applications that rely on […]