AWS Developer Tools Blog

Announcing CORS Support for Amazon EC2

We are pleased to announce that Amazon EC2 now supports CORS requests, which means you can now use the AWS SDK for JavaScript in the Browser to access your Amazon EC2 resources. The following example code snippet shows how to make requests to Amazon EC2: In your HTML file: <script src=””></script> In your JavaScript file: […]

SDK Extensions Moved to Modularization

We are currently finalizing the move of the AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell and the AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio to the new modularized SDK. In addition, we have released new versions of the ASP.NET session provider and the .NET System.Diagnostics trace listener. These two extensions have moved from the SDK GitHub repository into their […]

HaPHPy 20th Birthday to PHP

Twenty years ago, Rasmus Lerdorf announced version 1.0 of PHP. It’s now two decades later, and PHP has evolved so much and is still going strong. The AWS SDK for PHP team would like to say thank you to everyone who has contributed to the PHP language and community over these past twenty years, and […]

Generating Amazon S3 Pre-signed URLs with SSE-C (Part 5 Finale)

In the previous blog (Part 4), we demonstrated how you can generate and consume pre-signed URLs using SSE-C. In this last and final blog of the series, I will provide code examples that show how to generate and consume pre-signed URLs using SSE-C, but restricting the URLs to be used only with specific customer-provided encryption […]

Version 3 of the AWS SDK for PHP

Last October, we announced the Developer Preview of Version 3 of the AWS SDK for PHP. We even presented about it at AWS re:Invent last November. We are grateful for your early feedback and support. Since last fall, we’ve been hard at work on improving, testing, and documenting Version 3 to get it ready for […]

Creating Amazon CloudFront Signed URLs in Node.js

Amazon CloudFront allows you to use signed URLs to restrict access to content. This allows you to securely serve private content, or content intended for selected users using CloudFront. Read more about how CloudFront signed URLs work. This article describes how to generate Amazon CloudFront signed URLs in Node.js. To generate signed URLs, you can […]

Generating Amazon S3 Pre-signed URLs with SSE-C (Part 4)

In Part 3 of this blog, we demonstrated how you can generate and consume pre-signed URLs using SSE-S3. In this blog, I will provide code examples to show how you can generate and consume pre-signed URLs using one of the more advanced options, namely SSE-C (server-side encryption with customer-provided encryption keys). The code samples assume the […]

Serving Private Content Through Amazon CloudFront Using Signed Cookies

Private content can be served through Amazon CloudFront in two ways: through signed URLs or signed cookies. For information about which approach to choose, see Choosing Between Signed URLs and Signed Cookies. The AWS SDK for .NET includes an Amazon.CloudFront.AmazonCloudFrontUrlSigner utility class that can be used to generate signed URLs. Based on a customer request, […]

Generating Amazon S3 Pre-signed URLs with SSE-S3 (Part 3)

As mentioned in Part 1 and Part 2 of this blog, there are fundamentally four ways you can generate Amazon S3 pre-signed URLs using server-side encryption (SSE). We demonstrated how you could do so with SSE-KMS (server-side encryption with AWS Key Management Service). In this blog, I will provide further sample code that shows how […]

Announcing Support for the PowerShell Gallery

The AWS Tools for Windows PowerShell have until now been made available in a single MSI installer that also contains the AWS SDK for .NET and AWS Toolkit for Visual Studio. MSIs have historically been the primary method of installing software on Windows. On the Linux and OS X platforms, package managers have become the […]