AWS Developer Tools Blog

Tag: announcement

New Twitter Account for the AWS SDK for PHP

Last week, we opened up a new Twitter account to run in parallel with this blog. You can find us there at @awsforphp. We will tweet about new posts on the blog, tips and tricks for using the SDK, new releases, and upcoming conferences and events that we’ll be attending. Be sure to follow us […]

Release: AWS SDK for PHP – Version 2.4.7

We would like to announce the release of version 2.4.7 of the AWS SDK for PHP. This release adds support for audio transcoding features to the Amazon Elastic Transcoder client and updates to the Amazon CloudFront, Amazon EC2, Amazon RDS, Auto Scaling, and AWS OpsWorks clients. Changelog Added support for audio transcoding features to the […]

See You at ZendCon 2013

Are you attending ZendCon this year? You are? Great! The AWS SDK for PHP team will be there too, and we hope to see you there. We will have a booth in the expo area, so make sure to come and see us. We will have goodies to hand out, and will be ready to […]

Release: AWS SDK for PHP 2.4.5

We would like to announce the release of version 2.4.5 of the AWS SDK for PHP. This release adds support for using the Redis cache engine software with Amazon ElastiCache. Changelog Amazon ElastiCache now offers the Redis cache engine software, in addition to Memcached. Customers who currently use Redis can optionally “seed” a new ElastiCache […]

AWS Service Provider for Laravel 1.1.0

We would like to announce the availability of version 1.1.0 of the AWS Service Provider for Laravel. This release updates the config handling logic of the service provider and provides a package-level configuration that can be published to your Laravel application via Artisan for easy customization. Are there any other features you would like to […]

Release: AWS SDK for PHP 2.4.4

We would like to announce the release of version 2.4.4 of the AWS SDK for PHP. This release updates the Amazon EC2 client to use the 2013-07-15 API version and fixes issues reported on the forums and GitHub. Changelog Added support for assigning a public IP address to a VPC instance at launch to the […]

Release: AWS SDK for PHP 2.4.3

We would like to announce the release of version 2.4.3 of the AWS SDK for PHP. This release adds support for the Amazon Simple Notification Service mobile push API, adds progress reporting on snapshot restore operations for Amazon Redshift, and addresses an issue with directories and the Amazon S3 stream wrapper. Changelog Updated the Amazon […]

AWS SDK ZF2 Module 1.1.0

We would like to announce the availability of version 1.1.0 of the AWS SDK ZF2 Module. This version includes a session save handler for Amazon DynamoDB, so that you can use DynamoDB as a session store for your Zend Framework 2 applications.

Release: AWS SDK for PHP 2.4.2

We would like to announce the release of version 2.4.2 of the AWS SDK for PHP. This release adds support for custom Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) and Chef 11 to the AWS OpsWorks client, adds the latest snapshot permission features to the Amazon Redshift client, and updates the Amazon EC2 and AWS Security Token Service […]

Release: AWS SDK for PHP 2.4.1

We would like to announce the release of version 2.4.1 of the AWS SDK for PHP. This release adds support for setting watermark and max frame rate parameters in the Amazon Elastic Transcoder client and resolves issues with the Amazon S3, Amazon EC2, Amazon ElastiCache, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Amazon EMR, and Amazon RDS clients. Changelog […]