.NET on AWS Blog

Category: AWS Lambda

.NET 8 Support on AWS

James Eastham, Norm Johanson, and Ulili Nhaga contributed to this post. Introduction .NET 8 is the latest Long Term Support (LTS) version of cross-platform .NET, released in November 2023. .NET 8 includes performance improvements, container enhancements, C# language simplified syntax, Blazor support for full-stack web applications, and ASP.NET Core partial support for Native Ahead of […]

Building Serverless .NET Applications with AWS Lambda and the SAM CLI

When building serverless .NET applications in AWS, the AWS Serverless Application Model (AWS SAM) provides a shorthand syntax to model resources such as AWS Lambda functions, Amazon API Gateway, Amazon DynamoDB tables, and event source mappings. AWS SAM helps you to build, test, and deploy your cloud-based .NET applications quickly in the cloud. This blog […]

Event-driven .NET applications with AWS Lambda and Amazon EventBridge

Amazon EventBridge is a serverless event bus that lets you pass events between AWS services, your applications, and third party services, helping you to build event-driven applications. It implements the publisher/subscriber (pub/sub) pattern, where publishers emit events, and subscribers receive them. As of this writing, over 150 AWS services generate EventBridge events. For example, you […]

Building an Alexa Skill with AWS Lambda and Amazon DynamoDB – Part 1: Creating Data for the Skill

This blog series will walk you through the process of creating an Amazon Alexa skill that queries data from an Amazon DynamoDB table. Part 1 focuses on creating the data source that the skill will query and part 2 focuses on creating the AWS Lambda function to query the data and creating the skill. In […]