AWS Cloud Enterprise Strategy Blog

Category: Artificial Intelligence

Development Productivity in the Age of Generative AI

“Productivity is being able to do things that you were never able to do before.” —anon With generative AI grabbing almost every organisation’s attention, watching how they use the technology is interesting. Today most AWS customers are focused on achieving productivity gains (e.g., making information easier to acquire and digest for customer service staff). A […]

Responsible AI

Responsible AI Best Practices: Promoting Responsible and Trustworthy AI Systems

The emergence of generative AI has brought about transformative possibilities and the potential to benefit how we work, live, and interact with the world. However, it is crucial to recognize the responsibility that comes with such powerful technology. When I speak to executives today, there is a lot of enthusiasm and excitement to get started […]

Wine Stroage

Is Your Data Foundation Solid, Future-Proof, and Value-Added?

Organizations need a powerful infrastructure to realize the full value of their data. The purpose of this infrastructure is to organize data, ensure its quality, manage metadata and create a central catalog where the organization’s data can be queried. This infrastructure, called the data foundation, enables organizations to have clean, organized, and easily accessible data […]

Wasting Time

Codus Interruptus: Stop Wasting Time

Never waste your time; it is too precious. There are never any guarantees we will have tomorrow. —Catherine Pulsifer, Author “I don’t have enough (fill in the blank)” is a common refrain in the face of new demands. It’s normally followed by that much-loved phrase “We need to prioritise.” I’ve observed that the challenge is […]

Lessons from Edison’s Bulb: Using Generative AI to Light the Way for Business Transformation

“Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” —Arthur C. Clarke Thomas Edison Center at Menlo Park in Edison, New Jersey, commemorates the birthplace of recorded sound and the world’s first practical incandescent light bulb. On New Year’s Eve, 1879, Thomas Edison used his newly invented incandescent lamp to illuminate Christie Street, where his laboratory […]

Image Preview

AI and Collaboration: A Human Angle

I wonder if we’re overlooking an important implication of AI and generative AI for the future of the enterprise. If, as seems to be the case, many employees will use generative AI applications to assist them and interactively support their work, then a new style of work is emerging. Success for an employee will mean […]

Data foundations for AI

Transformation and AI

We’ve all been busily transforming for the last few years. Now there’s this big AI thing. How does it relate to the rest of our transformation? Should we be changing or rethinking our transformation plans? The easy answer is no, but there are some subtleties. We transform to increase our agility in the face of […]

GenAI for Business

What Will Generative AI Mean for Your Business?

It won’t surprise you to hear that there’s been lots of excitement and speculation about generative AI in our meetings with AWS customer executives lately. The question on their minds is: “What does this mean for my business?” That’s a good way to frame the question; it’s not about what generative AI can do, but […]

Gen AI

How Technology Leaders Can Prepare for Generative AI

We tend to overestimate the effect of a technology in the short run and underestimate the effect in the long run. —Roy Amara, Amara’s law I’m fascinated by the technological tipping points in history that have ignited the public’s imagination—the first TV broadcast, manned space flight, or video conference. Each of these events made a […]