AWS Cloud Enterprise Strategy Blog

Category: Amazon WorkSpaces

Larry’s pet cat sits on his office desk

Reimagining Work for the Post-pandemic World  

Larry Augustin, VP of Applications at AWS, shares how organizations are reimagining their post-pandemic workforces as part of a new blog series, Reimagining the Workforce. Eating lunch with a colleague, brainstorming around a whiteboard, kicking off a new project with a full room’s energy, celebrating a significant accomplishment together—these are some of the things I […]

A man stops a line of dominos from falling

Resilience, Part One: Preparing for Unknown Unknowns

The important lesson to learn from COVID-19 is not that we need to be prepared for pandemics: it’s that we need to be prepared for unexpected, high-impact events, whatever they may be. Any particular one of these events is too unlikely to plan for, but taken collectively, there’s a reasonable chance that one of them […]