AWS Cloud Enterprise Strategy Blog

Tag: CFO

Micro-Optimization: Activity-Based Costing for Digital Services?

As I have argued in my other posts, the digital world is bringing a radical change in the role of the CFO. For one thing, the cloud and DevOps are turning fixed costs into variable costs. For another, rapid iteration and delivery make it possible—and essential—for us to make financial decisions based on marginal costs […]

The Digital CFO

As we navigate the changes brought about by the digital revolution, we can see that the role of the enterprise CFO is also changing. Whether the one is the cause of the other, and which is cause and which effect, I’m not so sure. But the digital world certainly requires us to think very differently […]

CFO Series: Are IT Systems Like Other Capital Investments????

*Note: this post is not intended as accounting advice. It is about how to structure IT investments and make decisions about them, not how to account for them. Do IT projects have the characteristics of capital investments? I am not talking about their accounting treatment—that is outside my area of expertise. I am asking from […]

CFO Series: An Executive View of Lean and Agile IT

Over the last two decades, the IT profession has developed new ways of working that are intended to deliver better business value more quickly and at lower risk. Or as Jonathan Smart of Barclay’s likes to say, “Better, Faster, Safer, Happier.”[1] There are buzzwords associated with these techniques, of course, as with everything in IT—in this […]