AWS Cloud Enterprise Strategy Blog

Tag: Cost Optimization

Accessing Your RI Purchase Recommendations and Identifying Opportunities for Cost Optimization

Working in the cloud is not just a matter of reducing costs once when you migrate your workloads. It is a matter of constant adjustment to gain all of the cost benefits that AWS makes available to you. We call this process cost optimization—the active oversight of costs as your organization and its market change, […]

Managing Your Cost Savings with Amazon Reserved Instances

By Erin Carlson, AWS Product Marketing Manager Introduction by Mark Schwartz One of the advantages of the cloud is that it allows you to right-size your infrastructure continuously—to add infrastructure when you need it and release infrastructure and stop paying for it when you don’t. This gives enterprises new degrees of freedom in managing their […]

A New Series: Digital Transformation for CFOs and Finance Departments

Today’s digital transformations pose a number of challenges, or certainly major changes, for finance professionals in enterprises. Yet finance is a critical player in these transformations and in the “transformed” enterprise. Enterprises must make decisions about what IT and digital capabilities to invest in, how to fund and account for those capabilities, how to budget […]

Rightsizing Infrastructure Can Cut Costs 36%

When an enterprise migrates into the cloud, it is empowered with many new ways to manage its costs. One important benefit is increased agility which in turn leads to leaner delivery processes with corresponding savings. With agility comes the possibility for rapid feedback-and-adjustment cycles, from which comes improved quality and a lower cost of rework. […]

Driving Change and Managing Innovation in a Cloud-First Business Reinvention

“Without change there is no innovation, creativity, or incentive for improvement. Those who initiate change will have a better opportunity to manage the change that is inevitable.” – William Pollard I discovered the future of enterprise computing five years ago, when I attended QCon in San Francisco. And, surrounded by some of the world’s leading […]