AWS Cloud Enterprise Strategy Blog

Tag: Culture

How Can You Build a Culture of Experimentation?

In my conversations with hundreds of enterprise executives worldwide, I have found that they like the idea of moving fast and innovating but find it difficult to accomplish within their corporate legacy and constraints. Innovating quickly is especially urgent in light of generative AI’s potential. But to increase innovation, you need to build a culture […]

Aligned team

Untangling Your Organisational Hairball: Highly Aligned

All organisations are perfectly aligned to get the results they get. —Stephen R. Covey, Educator and Author My first blog post on untangling your organisational hairball describes six focus areas to increase organisational agility. The first is to be highly aligned. As the Cheshire Cat remarked in Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, “If you don’t know […]


Untangling Your Organizational Hairball: How to Increase Local Autonomy

Communication is a sign of dysfunction. It means people aren’t working together in a close, organic way. We should be trying to figure out a way for teams to communicate less with each other, not more. —Jeff Bezos, Executive Chairman of Amazon Traditional organizations focus on optimizing efficiency, trying to specialize and maximize the use […]

Team Building for finite project

Designing a Cloud Center of Excellence (CCOE)

Many companies have found that a cloud center of excellence (CCOE) can accelerate their migrations to the cloud and broader digital transformations. These CCOEs take many forms, which is appropriate because each company has unique challenges to overcome. Nevertheless there are certain patterns and antipatterns for using a CCOE. In this blog post, I’ll try […]