Discontinuation of NICE EnginFrame effective September 25th, 2025

After careful consideration, we have made the decision to discontinue NICE EnginFrame including NICE EnginFrame views, effective September 25, 2025. If you want to continue using NICE EnginFrame beyond the end-of-support date, we recommend contacting NI-SP, an AWS partner with decades of experience implementing and supporting NICE EnginFrame for enterprises.

Recent improvement to Open MPI AllReduce and the impact to application performance

Recent improvement to Open MPI AllReduce and the impact to application performance

Our team engineered some Open MPI optimizations for EFA to enhance performance of HPC codes running in the cloud. By improving MPI_AllReduce they improved scaling – matching commercial MPIs. Tests show gains for apps including Code Saturne and OpenFOAM on both Arm64 and x86 instances. Check out how these tweaks can speed up your HPC workloads in the cloud.

Near-real-time energy production forecasts with NVIDIA Earth-2 and AWS Batch

Using AWS Batch and NVIDIA Earth-2, we built a scalable workflow that explores millions of scenarios at a fraction of the cost of traditional methods. This innovative approach not only provides rapid energy calculations, but also shows the potential of AI-driven meteorology.

Securing HPC on AWS – isolated clusters

Securing HPC on AWS – isolated clusters

In this post, we’ll share two ways customers can operate HPC workloads using AWS ParallelCluster while completely isolated from the Internet. ParallelCluster supports many different network configurations to support a range of uses. When referring to isolation we mean situations where your HPC cluster is completely self-contained inside AWS, or where you have a private […]