The Internet of Things on AWS – Official Blog

Category: Best Practices

Integrating AWS IoT and AWS Greengrass into the Automotive Grade Linux Software Stack

Post by Hitendra Nishar, AWS Solutions Builder Automotive Grade Linux (AGL) is an open source project to accelerate the development and adoption of a fully open software stack for connected vehicles. AGL is building a Linux-based, open software platform that can serve as the de facto industry standard and enable rapid development of new features […]

How AWS IoT Core is Helping Customers Navigate the Upcoming Distrust of Symantec Certificate Authorities

NOTE: This blog post describes important public key infrastructure (PKI) issues related to browser and mobile application connectivity to AWS IoT Core. For information about public key certificates and TLS, see Chain of Trust and Certificate Authorities in High Performance Browser Networking. Overview Google, Apple, and Mozilla have announced that, starting October, 2018, they will […]

Using AWS IoT for Predictive Maintenance

The interest in machine learning for industrial and manufacturing use cases on the edge is growing. Manufacturers need to know when a machine is about to fail so they can better plan for maintenance. For example, as a manufacturer, you might have a machine that is sensitive to various temperature, velocity, or pressure changes. When […]

Using AWS IoT Core in a Low-Power Application

At AWS, we work closely with customers to assist them in building various types of IoT solutions. We often hear from customers about the need to manage power consumption appropriately in IoT. In this blog post, we’ll discuss one of the options for achieving lower power consumption while connecting to AWS IoT Core. Specifically, we’ll […]

MQTT with TLS client authentication on port 443: Why it is useful and how it works

The AWS IoT Core service now allows you to connect devices using MQTT with TLS client authentication on port 443.  Previously this combination of protocol and authentication mechanism was only supported on port 8883.  So what’s the big deal? Read on to learn more about how this feature makes it easier to connect your devices […]

Using Device Time to Validate AWS IoT Server Certificates

AWS IoT Core supports a wide variety of clients, including browsers running applications built using the AWS IoT Device SDK for JavaScript, smartphones running applications built on the AWS Mobile SDKs, and embedded applications built with the AWS IoT Device SDKs. Each of these environments has different capabilities; some have more memory or faster CPUs […]

Deploy Fleets Easily with AWS IoT Device Management Services

Introduction The Internet of Things (IoT) offers the potential for data acquisition and digital interaction in areas previously inaccessible at an unprecedented scale. The magnitude of this opportunity affects individuals, organizations, and governments in many different ways. In manufacturing, for example, many makers of existing products are racing to integrate connected features into their offerings […]

Building Connected Vehicle Solutions on the AWS Cloud

In response to massive technological changes that are transforming the global automotive industry, the AWS Solutions team has developed the AWS Connected Vehicle solution in order to address the industry’s need for scalability, security, and flexibility when connecting products and services for next-generation vehicles. This reference architecture is designed in accordance with AWS best practices, […]

How to route messages from devices to Salesforce IoT Cloud

AWS IoT customers can now route messages from devices directly to Salesforce IoT Cloud with a new AWS IoT Rules Engine Action that requires only configuration. As part of the strategic relationship between AWS and Salesforce, the combination of AWS IoT and Salesforce IoT Cloud allows you to enrich the messages coming from your devices […]

How AI Will Accelerate IoT Solutions for Enterprise

Artificial intelligence (AI) is going mainstream, which has long-lasting implications for how enterprises build and improve their products and services. As announced at re:Invent 2016, AWS is simplifying artificial intelligence (AI) adoption through three low-cost, cloud-based services built for AI-specific uses cases. Instead of creating proprietary algorithms, data models or machine learning techniques, all levels […]