AWS for M&E Blog
Tag: AWS Elemental Statmux
System information data and remultiplexing using AWS Elemental Statmux
Introduction Statistical multiplexing (statmux) is an essential compression technology that allows for efficient, high-quality distribution of multiple video channels over a fixed-bandwidth medium such as satellite, cable, or over-the-air transmission. To learn more about the basics of statmux, refer to our previous blog post on the topic. For video distribution workflows, it is often necessary […]
Introducing new and improved AWS Elemental Statmux appliance and software for statistical multiplexing
In early 2021, AWS relaunched statistical multiplexing (statmux) hardware and software for on-premises applications. The new AWS Elemental Statmux incorporates the latest statmux features that were previously available in AWS Elemental MediaLive and adds additional features for the on-premises environment. Statmux is a technology used to efficiently combine (or multiplex) multiple encoded video channels (or […]