Front-End Web & Mobile

Category: Top Posts

Building a real-time stock monitoring dashboard with AWS AppSync

This article was written by Jan Michael Go Tan, Specialist SA at AWS Building real-time applications normally requires two types of endpoints. The first type of endpoint typically involves a standard stateless request–response type of interaction, which is handled over traditional HTTP/HTTPS protocol. The second type of endpoint enables persistent connectivity and allows the server to push […]

Improving GraphQL API performance and consistency with AWS AppSync Caching and DynamoDB Transactions support

AWS AppSync is a managed GraphQL service that simplifies application development by letting you create a flexible API to securely access, manipulate, and combine data from one or more data sources. Different data sources are often optimized for different use cases and may deliver data at different speeds. The underlying data fields defined in the […]

New features that will enhance your Real-Time experience on AWS AppSync

AWS AppSync is a managed service that uses GraphQL to simplify application development by letting applications securely access, manipulate, and receive real-time updates from multiple data sources such as databases or APIs. Taking advantage of GraphQL subscriptions to perform real-time operations, AppSync can push data to clients that choose to listen to specific events from […]

Amplify CLI simplifies starting from existing Amplify projects and adds new command for extending CLI capabilities

The Amplify Framework is an open source project for building cloud-enabled mobile and web applications. Today, we are happy to announce new features in the Amplify CLI that simplify the developer experience by enabling developers to get started from an existing Amplify project hosted on a Git repo by using a single command. The ‘amplify init’ […]

Visualizing big data with AWS AppSync, Amazon Athena, and AWS Amplify

This article was written by Brice Pelle, Principal Technical Account Manager, AWS   Organizations use big data and analytics to extract actionable information from untapped datasets. It can be difficult for you to build an application with access to this trove of data. You want to build great applications quickly and need access to tools […]

Integrating alternative data sources with AWS AppSync: Amazon Neptune and Amazon ElastiCache

This article was written by Josh Kahn, Senior Solutions Architect, AWS September 14, 2021: Amazon Elasticsearch Service has been renamed to Amazon OpenSearch Service. See details. Since its launch at AWS re:Invent 2017, AWS AppSync has grown the number of and types of natively supported data sources. Today, AppSync supports NoSQL (Amazon DynamoDB), search (Amazon […]

Developing and testing GraphQL APIs, Storage and Functions with Amplify Framework Local Mocking features

This article was written by Ed Lima, Sr. Solutions Architect, AWS and Sean Grove, OneGraph In fullstack application development, iteration is king. At AWS, we’re constantly identifying steps in the process of shipping product that slow iteration, or sap developer productivity and happiness, and work to shorten it. To that end, we’ve provided cloud APIs, serverless […]

Supporting backend and internal processes with AWS AppSync multiple authorization types

Imagine a scenario where you created a mobile or web application that uses a GraphQL API built on top of AWS AppSync and Amazon DynamoDB tables. Another backend or internal process such as an AWS Lambda function now needs to update data in the backend tables. A new feature in AWS AppSync lets you grant […]

Using multiple authorization types with AWS AppSync GraphQL APIs

Written by Ionut Trestian, Min Bi, Vasuki Balasubramaniam, Karthikeyan, Manuel Iglesias, BG Yathi Raj, and Nader Dabit Today, AWS announced that AWS AppSync now supports configuring more than one authorization type for GraphQL APIs. You can now configure a single GraphQL API to deliver private and public data. Private data requires authenticated access using authorization […]

Getting more visibility into GraphQL performance with AWS AppSync logs

Written by Shankar Raju, SDE at AWS & Nader Dabit, Sr. Developer Advocate at AWS. September 14, 2021: Amazon Elasticsearch Service has been renamed to Amazon OpenSearch Service. See details. Today, we are happy to announce that AWS AppSync now enables you to better understand the performance of your GraphQL requests and usage characteristics of […]