Front-End Web & Mobile

AWS Amplify adds support for push notifications in React Native and provides new features for user authentication

AWS Amplify is a declarative JavaScript library for working with cloud services. It has built-in support for creating React Native applications. For push notifications in React Native, AWS Amplify introduces an easy-to-use client API and backend configuration over AWS Mobile Hub. The latest version of  the AWS Amplify JavaScript library has been enhanced to support […]

AWS AppSync region expansion and new features for API keys

AWS AppSync, a managed GraphQL service with offline and real-time data capabilities, recently launched a set of new features. Following up on these new features, AWS AppSync has expanded its regional footprint. It’s also now available in the following AWS Regions: EU-West-1 (Ireland) AP-Northeast-1 (Tokyo) AP-Southeast-2 (Sydney) These new regions are in addition to the […]

What’s the best time to engage your mobile app users?

In talking to customers about mobile analytics, many customers have the same questions about best practices for customer engagement. Specifically, a question that’s often asked is, “What’s the best time to engage with users of my app?” The simple answer is that there’s no simple answer. The “best time” varies depending on your customer base, […]

New AWS AppSync features and whitelist removal

At AWS re:Invent 2017, we announced AWS AppSync, which is a managed GraphQL service with offline and real-time data capabilities. Based on customer feedback, we’ve added the following new features for building applications with AWS AppSync. Ability to autogenerate a GraphQL schema and resolvers from an existing Amazon DynamoDB table Android support for offline queries […]

Mobile Analytics is Moving to Amazon Pinpoint

September 14, 2021: Amazon Elasticsearch Service has been renamed to Amazon OpenSearch Service. See details. Today we’re announcing a timeline for the unification of Mobile Analytics with Amazon Pinpoint. Amazon Pinpoint is a service that includes Mobile Analytics features—and builds upon them by providing real-time app analytics, user segmentation, real-time data export, and user engagement […]

Build a CI/CD Pipeline for your Android App with AWS Services

Continuously building, testing, and delivering updates for your app to your users helps you release new features sooner and with fewer bugs. In an earlier blog post “Automatically build your Android app with AWS CodeBuild,” Adrian Hall explains how you can use AWS CodeBuild to compile an Android app and publish the APK to Amazon […]

The re:Invent recap: All the AWS Mobile sessions

AWS re:Invent 2017 was an amazing experience and it was great to connect with a lot of you!  The AWS AppSync announcement was one of the awesome developer announcements of re:Invent, and we loved spreading the word about the AWS Amplify library.  However, not everyone could be there – and those of you who were there […]

Build, deploy, and test your web app’s performance for free with AWS Mobile Hub

According to a recent study, two-thirds of users access web applications on a mobile device, yet very few developers test their web applications on mobile devices. Today, we are adding web performance testing on mobile devices to AWS Mobile Hub. Combined with the recently announced awsmobile CLI, web developers can run a simple performance test […]

Announcing AWS Amplify and the AWS Mobile CLI

The JavaScript ecosystem is thriving. Every day there are new use cases and functionality across web and mobile ecosystems. Developers are building highly interactive and functional applications across social, consumer, and enterprise spaces. We’ve spent a lot of time talking to these developers. They want to scale their applications quickly on cloud services, and they […]

Building a Synchronization Framework for Android

This is the sixth and final part in a series on synchronizing data within an Android mobile app to the AWS Cloud.  Check out the full series: An Introduction to the Sync Framework for Android Building a ContentProvider for Android Using a ContentProvider in Android Mobile Apps Integrating Amazon Cognito with the Android AccountManager API […]