AWS Cloud Operations & Migrations Blog

Category: Management Tools

Run Scripts Stored in Private or Public GitHub Repositories Using Amazon EC2 Systems Manager

By Melonia Mendonca, Software Development Engineer at Amazon Web Services Amazon EC2 Systems Manager (SSM) lets you configure, manage and automate your AWS and on-premises resources at scale. You can perform safe and secure operations without SSH access or bastion hosts using Systems Manager Run Command, mitigate configuration drift using Systems Manager State Manager, and […]

AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate Now Supports Compliance

AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate gives you a fully managed Chef server with a suite of automation tools.  The release of Chef Automate version 1.6 includes the new Compliance view for Chef Automate UI. With AWS OpsWorks for Chef Automate integrated with compliance, you can track the compliance of your infrastructure based on a predefined policy. […]

AWS CloudFormation Guardrails: Protecting your Stacks and Ensuring Safer Updates

“I wonder what will happen if I touch these two wires together.” – Unix fortune If you’ve worked with cloud-hosted applications or large distributed architectures for any extended period of time, chances are you’ve heard colleagues invoke Murphy’s law: “Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong”. All of us have experienced one of those events in the […]

Your AWS CloudFormation Guide to re:Invent 2017  

There are only five weeks left until re:Invent 2017. As in years past, AWS CloudFormation will be there, both behind the scenes deploying infrastructure and front-and-center for break-out sessions, workshops, and developer chats. Here are a few highlights we’ve pulled from the session catalog, followed by the full list of CloudFormation-focused sessions and workshops to […]

Amazon EC2 Systems Manager Parameter Store adds support for Parameter versions

By Lou de la Torre, AWS Partner Solutions Architect and Venkat Krishnamachari, Principal Product Manager, Amazon EC2 Systems Manager Today we are excited to announce versioning support for Amazon EC2 Systems Manager Parameter Store. With Parameter Store versioning support, each iteration of a parameter is assigned a unique version number at creation time. These individual […]

OpsWorks for Chef Automate – Automatically Bootstrapping Nodes in Different Accounts

Lots of us today are managing multiple AWS accounts. Although having multiple accounts can bring you  benefits, such as more granular control of resources and access, decentralized control, and simpler billing. Multiple accounts can also introduce some challenges. A challenge we face in this blog post is having a centralized configuration management server with its […]

AWS CloudFormation Feature Updates: Support for Amazon Athena and Coverage Updates for Amazon S3, Amazon RDS, Amazon Kinesis and Amazon CloudWatch

As one of the most widely-used services in AWS, CloudFormation continues to expand its feature set by including adding support for Amazon Athena, two new features to protect stacks and control rollback processes, plus several new coverage updates. CloudFormation now supports the creation of an Amazon Athena named query as a resource. Amazon Athena is a […]

Configuring Serverless Applications Using AWS CloudFormation Custom Resources

AWS makes it easy for developers to get started developing applications in the cloud. With the extensive array of services available on AWS, developers might incorporate more than just a few components in their applications. Manually managing the resources needed for an application can become time consuming. In addition, applications usually require more than just […]

Recover your impaired instances using EC2Rescue and Amazon EC2 Systems Manager Automation

Have you ever had an issue connecting to your Amazon EC2 Windows instance? This can be caused by any number of different reasons, but is almost always related to how the instance is configured. Unfortunately, if you can’t connect to it, you can’t fix it! Earlier this year, AWS announced EC2Rescue for Windows, a convenient, […]