AWS Cloud Operations Blog

Category: Migration Solutions

Accelerate Cloud Transformation: Migrate workloads in Weeks with our EBA Migration Parties

Migrations are complex and involve many teams from all levels of an organization. A 2020 Accenture Cloud Value Study found the top barriers to cloud value realization outlined by 700+ IT leaders were misalignment, legacy infrastructure, and lack of skills. Organizations want to keep their applications secure and compliant as they move to the cloud, […]

Demystifying mainframe technical debt and unlocking value of core application modernization

Although mainframe platforms still release new capabilities, customers are dealing with core-business application stacks that have accumulated substantial technical debt over decades. Applications use outdated technical components, interfaces, patterns, and data formats. This technical debt is the main factor causing negative impacts on release cycles, maintenance costs, and business outcomes. This critical issue can be […]

Announcing The AWS Well-Architected Migration Lens

Today, we are delighted to announce the launch of the AWS Well-Architected Migration Lens White Paper and the Migration Lens in the Lens Catalog in the AWS Well-Architected Tool (AWS WA Tool). The Migration Lens extends the AWS Well-Architected Framework to include best practices and implementation guidance that you can apply to your migration program […]

How to drive the discussions around carbon footprint reduction to support modernization and migration to the Cloud?

A Gartner, Inc. survey revealed that 87% of business leaders expect to increase their organization’s investment in sustainability over the next two years. This blog aims to equip Information Technology (IT) teams with the necessary resources to start the conversation with business leaders and prepare a compelling business case that highlights the opportunity for carbon […]

Designing a successful cloud migration: top five pitfalls and how to avoid a stall

Stalled cloud migrations can undermine cloud adoption’s business value. It is therefore important to watch out for early warning signs and take timely corrective action. This blog post looks at five big pitfalls every cloud migration leader should be aware of. The good news is you can spot these issues early and mitigate them to […]

Strategizing Mainframe Scheduler Migration to AWS

Mainframe environments typically involve complex batch processing tasks used for critical and time-sensitive business operations. As mainframe applications are migrated to AWS using  AWS Mainframe Modernization service, similar batch processing capabilities are required. This blog explores the approach and patterns for selection and migration of the mainframe job scheduler to AWS. Overview AWS Mainframe Modernization […]

Streamlining AWS Application Migration Service Replication Agent deployment using MGN connector

AWS Application Migration Service (AWS MGN) is AWS’s recommended service for migrations to AWS. It simplifies and expedites migrating your source servers from physical, virtual, or cloud infrastructure platforms to run natively on AWS. Over the last year, we’ve shared with you several major updates to the MGN service, focusing on offering customers more ways […]

Accelerating large-scale cloud migrations with repeatable patterns

Many Amazon Web Services (AWS) customers initiate large-scale cloud migrations to achieve specific business outcomes. The reasons for migration include consolidating or vacating data centres, adopting a cloud-first strategy, increasing agility and staff productivity, and reducing the total cost of ownership for IT. Using repeatable patterns for migrating workloads are a great way to jumpstart […]

Leveraging Infrastructure as Code for AWS Mainframe Modernization with AWS CloudFormation

AWS Mainframe Modernization service supports AWS CloudFormation templates to manage environments and applications, allowing customers to leverage best practices of Infrastructure-as-Code (IaC) and DevOps. This post defines the architectural improvements fostered by CloudFormation for mainframe applications modernized with AWS cloud. We’ll then cover the benefits of IaC in specific contexts for modernized mainframe applications. We’ll […]

From Mainframe to AWS cloud: A comprehensive mapping guide

Mainframe systems are being utilized by companies worldwide since the 1950s to operate their core business applications and operations. In the digital transformation era, businesses are increasingly transferring mainframe data and migrating their workloads into AWS. Moreover, the recent COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted the modernization of mainframe systems due to remote access issues, scalability […]