AWS Cloud Operations Blog

Tag: AWS AppConfig

Unlock Faster Releases with AWS AppConfig: The Secret Weapon for Your CI/CD Strategy

Striking a Balance Between Reliability and Agility in Cloud Operations The IT operation team of an enterprise serves as the first line of defense against potential business disruptions. They operate 24/7, acts as a hub, continuously monitor and manage the IT environment. The operation team handles and prioritizes critical IT incidents to minimize downtime and […]

Improve your feature flagging with AWS AppConfig Version Labels

Improve your feature flagging with AWS AppConfig Version Labels

AWS AppConfig is a feature of AWS Systems Manager that helps you increase your software deployment velocity and confidence. Providing dynamic configuration and feature flagging, AppConfig is a tool that decouples your feature releases from code deployments. You can create new features and push the code to production with the new feature hidden behind a […]

Using AWS AppConfig to Manage Multi-Tenant SaaS Configurations

Using AWS AppConfig to Manage Multi-Tenant SaaS Configurations

As a Software as a Service (SaaS) provider, you can benefit from a SaaS operating model in a number of ways. One of the most impactful benefits you can realize is improvements to your operational efficiency, and one of the fundamental techniques you can leverage is to maintain a single software version for all your […]

How CyberArk Implements Feature Flags with AWS AppConfig

Written by Ran Isenberg, Principal Architect at CyberArk Feature flags are a powerful tool that allow you to change software behavior. In addition, feature flags can improve your CI/CD pipeline by enabling capabilities, such as A/B testing, thus making them an enabler of DevOps and a crucial part of any CI/CD pipeline. However, feature flagging […]

Implementing a custom ConfigSource in Quarkus using AWS AppConfig

Most systems developed on the cloud nowadays implement a microservices architecture. A common demand is that each microservice is highly configurable and that configuration can be changed without changing code, and ideally, without restarting a running service instance. Quarkus (see is a popular framework for writing high-performing microservices in Java. AWS AppConfig is AWS’ […]

Best Practices for validating AWS AppConfig Feature Flags and Configuration Data

AWS AppConfig helps you create, manage, and deploy application configuration. One crucial use case for AppConfig is feature flagging, which lets you release features quickly and safely. Using AppConfig Feature Flags, you can separate code from configuration data and hide new features behind a configuration flag.  When ready to release that feature, you simply update the […]

Announcing AWS AppConfig Extensions

Using feature flags and other runtime configuration types is a fast-evolving technology segment. Adjusting your software behavior with a minor configuration update instead of deploying code lets teams move faster and more safely. Furthermore, releasing a feature using a feature flag allows engineering teams to turn on features to a limited set of users and […]

Tracking feature flags in Jira with AWS AppConfig

A key element of agile software development is the team agreeing on the “definition of done.” Before completing a project or feature, the team should document acceptance criteria that must be met to consider the work complete. A project or feature is “done” when all of the acceptance criteria are met and when value is […]

Using AWS AppConfig Feature Flags

AWS has a native feature flagging solution, AWS AppConfig Feature Flags. Feature flags are a powerful tool that allow engineers to safely push out new features to customers, but doing so in a measured and usually gradual way. In this blog post, you will learn about what feature flags are, what are the benefits to […]

AWS AppConfig: The Amazon service that helps you scale for large events like Prime Day

AWS AppConfig: The Amazon service that helps you scale for large events like Prime Day

Amazon uses a number of AWS services to help meet increased traffic and demand during Prime Day events. As Jeff Barr has mentioned in his previous blog posts, some key services used in Prime Day include: Amazon DynamoDB handles the trillions of Prime Day requests. Amazon Interactive Video Service (Amazon IVS) enables shoppers to shop […]